
The present era of rapid environmental change – the Anthropocene – and the resultant stressors are apparent in all aspects of our planet’s functioning, and at all scales. Significant increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations above preindustrial levels and the consequent global warming are only one well-known change.
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On-going urbanization and the accompanying footprints due to food production, water supply, energy demand and mineral extraction directly affect the productivity and diversity of terrestrial, freshwater and oceanic ecosystems.

The scope of Environmental Engineering, with its goal of understanding, assessing and modifying environmental and human systems to achieve sustainable outcomes, is clearly broad. Natural systems can only be understood on the foundation of environmental sciences, and quantified using process-based mechanisms. By definition, the Anthropocene reflects long-term human-environment interactions and feedbacks, which are key aspects of creating practical solutions. Similarly, empirical data on environmental systems is vital for developing sustainable designs.

Research in the Institute of Environmental Engineering targets all the above elements:

  • basic environmental sciences
  • modelling and quantification
  • human-environment interactions
  • ubiquitous data and its use
  • technologies for sensing and data acquisition
  • technological solutions to human impacts

We invite you to join us in one of the major challenges facing today’s world: how to live sustainably in the Anthoropocene!