This ENAC week will explore the nights of Lausanne in a lively, interdisciplinary way. We’ll be immersed in the constraints involved in setting up Lausanne’s new lighting plan, meeting many local players and experiencing the city at night in vivo and insitu, using the method of nocturnal crossings.
Course book
Photos 2024

A long-neglected time-space, night has become a part of daytime news, for better or for worse. For some years now, pressure has been exerted on the other side of the day. Colonized by daytime activities, but also by an array of festive events and a particular cultural offering, the night is now a space under tension: conflicts are multiplying between the city that sleeps, that works, that shops and that has fun.
Everywhere in the world, the night is becoming a construction site for private players and public policies, with technological innovations, notably in lighting, and advances in information, but also in its governance, with “General Assemblies”, “Nighttime Coucils” and even “Night Mayors”, as well as shifts in the timetables of public services and transport.
In addition to the conflicts of use and management implied by night-time activities, we can also see the emergence of concerns linked to the ecological and health dimensions of public lighting. Tensions over energy and light pollution are leading many towns and cities to imagine the conditions for more sober lighting that is less harmful to biodiversity.
The ENAC week will focus on several areas:
1. Exploring the Nights in Lausanne
2. Drawing up an inventory of the nights, based on a nocturnal crossing
3. Working together to imagine ways forward for the Nights in Lausanne
4. Presenting these proposals