Direction | Academic Referents | Commissions and Representatives | Associations | Alumni
EPFL Architecture at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne is the architecture school at university level in the French speaking part of Switzerland. Its benefits from a pointedly transdisciplinary environment, being embedded at ENAC Faculty, where architects, civil engineers and environmental engineers are engaging in research and education with the mission to find new ways to engage knowledge and action for our societies.
We are convinced that in order to answer to these urgencies we must review and diversify the role of the architect. To do this, we have two fields of action, teaching and research.
With our activities we aim to address the systemic challenges posed by the continued climate crisis, rapid urbanization, and the threat of collapsing eco-systems. Teachings in the school prepare students to respond to these emergencies, right from the first year of study.
A base document that gathers and defines a set of specific terms related to EPFL Architecture. It serves as an introduction to the structures of EPFL Architecture, ENAC and EPFL, their acronyms, their missions, their system of governance, the statutes and roles that make up the institutions, their spaces and infrastructures.

Architecture Institute
Institute Director, Prof. Pier Vittorio Aureli
Institute Administrator, Marie-Christine Lehmann
Communication and Space, Elena Chiavi
Architecture Section
Section Director, Prof. Sophie Delhay
Section Administrator, Gesualdo Casciana + Internship Supervisor
Section Deputy, Laure Kochnitzky Palluel + HES Passerelle Supervisor
Educational Coordinator, Vanda Costa
Communication and Media, Marie Page
Master’s Projects Coordinator, Corinne Waridel
Exchange Coordinator, Dr. Sophie Lufkin
Guest Program Administrator, Corinne Chaumont Ganty
Architecture Institute
Marie-Christine Lehmann
[email protected]
+41 21 693 27 89
BP 2223
Architecture Section
Gesualdo Casciana
[email protected]
+41 21 693 32 11
BP 2231
Architecture Institute
BP 2233
Station 16
1015 Lausanne
Architecture Section
BP 2231
Station 16
1015 Lausanne
BP Building
Direction: Institute and Architecture Section
Model Workshop, Photo Studio, IT Service
SG Building
Exhibition and Archives Space (ACM, Archizoom)
Studio Spaces, Printing Room
Studio Spaces
GC Building
Laboratory: CRCL
Workshop Space
BC Building
Laboratory: LDM
LE Building
Laboratory: LIPID
Smart Living Lab, Fribourg
Laboratory: SXL
The teaching commission, following the guidelines of the Vice Presidency for Education, propose study plans and examination regulations for their respective sections. Student representation at EPFL is carried out through their representatives in the School Assembly, Faculty Councils, Teaching Commissions, class delegates, and the General Student Association.
Academic Year 2024–25
Commission presidency
Section Director, Prof. Sophie Delhay
Section Deputy, Laure Kochnitzky Palluel
Professors and MER
Prof. Nicola Braghieri, LAPIS
Prof. Franz Graf, TSAM
Prof. Eric Lapierre, TEXAS
Prof. Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, RIOT
Prof Luca Pattaroni, LASUR
Dr. Andreas Schueler
Prof. Alfredo Thiermann, HITAM
Intermediary staff
Romain Dubuis, MANSLAB
Maria João Cunha (suppléante), EAST
Tanguy Auffret-Postel, doctorant EDAR
Michela Bonomo, , doctorante EDAR
Marcela Delgado Velasco, doctorante EDAR
Tiago Borges, doctorant EDAR
([email protected], doctorant·es EDAR)
Paule Soubeyrand, LAPIS
Jérôme Zufferey, ENAC IT, chargé de cours SAR
Pierre Zurbrügg, SXL, chargé de cours SAR
Students representatives (see list below)
Academic Year 2024-25
Propaedeutic year, Ariel Ghisays Berlincourt
Propaedeutic year, Teodora Tilica
2nd year bachelor, Cyril Matala-Tala
2nd year bachelor, Malcom Sandoz
3rd year bachelor, Viktor Monnier
3rd year bachelor, Dilaxshan Pirabaharan
3rd year bachelor, Lili Rouveure
1st year master, Agathe Ducos
1st year master, Raul Hansra Sartorius
2nd year master, Anna Hausel
2nd year master, François Mégret
2nd year master, ASAR representative, Dimitri Descloux
Composition et mode de nomination (art. 18 *)
Chaque section de la Faculté possède sa commission d’enseignement.
Les commissions d’enseignement se composent de membres faisant partie de la section correspondante, soit :
- du·de la directeur·trice de la section, qui préside,
- de maîtres, d’assistant·e·s, de collaborateur·trice·s scientifiques et de candidat·e·s au doctorat,
- d’étudiant·e·s.
A l’exception du·de la directeur·trice de section, les membres des commissions d’enseignement sont nommé·e·s par la direction de Faculté après approbation de la proposition par le conseil de Faculté. La durée des mandats est de deux ans; pour les étudiants, elle est de un an. Ces mandats sont renouvelables.
Compétences, convocation et décision (art. 19*)
Les commissions d’enseignement proposent, selon les directives de la Vice-Présidence pour la Formation, les plans d’études et les règlements de contrôle des études de leur section respective.
- Elles évaluent la mise en application des plans d’études et du contrôle des études et proposent des améliorations ou des adaptations.
- Elles coordonnent leurs activités entre elles au sein de la Faculté, au travers de leurs présidents. Elles peuvent créer un groupe de coordination.
- Elles règlent les questions courantes liées au déroulement des études.
- Elles donnent leur avis à la direction de Faculté sur toutes les questions touchant l’enseignement.
- Elles conseillent les directeurs de section.
- Elles se réunissent au moins une fois par semestre, sur convocation de leur président ou à la demande de trois de leurs membres.
- Elles prennent leurs décisions à la majorité simple des membres présents.
Extrait du Réglement d’organisation de l’ENAC du 3 mars 2003
ASAR, Association of Architecture Students
ASAR Commissions
La Baraque, Architecture Section’s student ball
OsCAR, Organizes architecture design competitions
Event, Organizes sociocultural and festive events
In Situ, Organizes construction site visits
L’Atelier Magazine, A student platform for cross-disciplinary research, writing, and publishing
MAP, Master Architectural Projects
TNT, Transition for a New Work Culture
Tournoi Bernard, Human Foosball Tournament
UDA, “Un Dîner Avec” – Networking dinners
DRAG lab, Promotes gender parity and diversity
EPFL Alumni connects EPFL graduates to an exclusive international network of over 40,000 contacts. Offering opportunities for networking, training, and mentoring in various fields such as career development and entrepreneurship, the organization facilitates interactions between alumni through its local and international chapters.