D. Sauvegarde – Resources


The existing must be considered as a resource and the interventions that concern it, from maintenance to adaptative reuse, represent a major issue in the development of the city of the 21st century. The preservation project and the project within the existing are part of a constituted cultural discipline that extends the contemporary architectural project. Building within the built is not a new practice. But what makes it a contemporary attitude is the type of theoretical and practical questioning of the architectural object at all its scales, and it is the look at the materiality of the built that gives substance to the project.

The concept of resource is the basis for building a meaningful and effective architecture, interpreted as a framework for social activities and a rival investment, as much as it is interested in the architecture of construction, i.e. the industrial system that enables spatial ideas to reach sound built fruition.

Prof. Franz Graf, in charge of the orientation

Training contents 2023-2025
Studios Teachers C

FAR / Gardelegui et Widmer / Graf

TU (Teaching units)    
UE F : Architecture et réhabilitation ** Arlaud / Bastien Masse / Wall Gago / Zurbrügg 4
UE K : Architecture et durabilité : études de performances ** Andersen / Fivet / Pastore, Regazzoni / Rey 4
Domestic space in the 20th century Aureli 3
Théories et techniques du projet de sauvegarde ** Marino 3
Comfort and architecture: sustainable strategies ** Andersen / Pastore / Wienold 3
Introduction au BIM (Building Information Modeling) ** Hautecoeur 3
Studio MA2

Devaux / FAR / Fröhlich

TU (Teaching units)    
UE M : Constructing materials


ENAC Projet
ENAC Projet (those considered in the IDEAS Minor)

Various teachers

Building design in the circular economy Fivet 3
Energy and comfort in Buildings Licina / Sonta 4
Fundamentals in ecology Battin / Grossiord 5
Interactive conceptual design of structural forms Fivet 3
Le projet du confort dans l’architecture du XXe s. Marino 3
All courses in the IDEAS Minor list    
** compulsorily one of the courses, all of which can be taken, and compulsorily one of the teaching units and one of the studios