The Master of Science in Architecture delivered at EPFL is in conformity with the tradition of polytechnic training of architects as designers and practitioners with a solid theoretical background: the project on an architectural, urban and territorial scale is nourished as a central discipline by contributions from theory and history, sociology and economics, construction, the study of structures, building physics, the plastic arts and various forms of representation and modelling.
The multidisciplinary character of the training integrates humanistic, constructive and technical aspects through close collaboration with the other sections within the ENAC Faculty: civil engineering, environmental sciences and engineering.
Structure and ECTS credits
Le cycle Master est ainsi conçu, en principe sur une période de deux ans, pour un total de 120 crédits :
Périodes | Répartition des crédits dès septembre 2013 | Crédits | |
2 ans | Total crédits | 120 | |
3 semestres | Enseignements obligatoires | 65 | |
Groupe Visions et stratégies | 9 | ||
Groupe tronc commun | 30 | ||
Projet d’architecture (2 semestres) | 26 | ||
Cours à option, incluant un éventuel mineur | 25 | ||
1 semestre | Projet de master, sous la direction d’un professeur de la section d’architecture | 30 |
For the detailed distribution of credits, the current study plan is the reference.
Characteristics of the Master in Architecture
- 50% of the courses are freely chosen for specialisation or deepening.
- for the master project, the candidate develops his own working theme.
Target groups
The preponderant part of the training in architectural design clearly defines the required profile: the Master in Architecture is aimed at candidates with a university bachelor’s degree or equivalent title in the field of architecture or in closely related fields (urban planning, rehabilitation).
On the basis of a dossier, and prior notice from the Architecture Section.
In addition to the documents required by the Academic Service, a portfolio (maximum A4 format) must be provided.
Candidates who have not completed a practical training period (12 months) may be admitted to the Master’s programme, their admission becoming effective upon validation of the said period.
Internships completed before admission to EPFL are validated if they were completed after the successful completion of the 2nd year of the Bachelor’s programme. For candidates coming from a HES, internships completed before the end of the HES Bachelor’s programme are not taken into account in the 12 months of compulsory internship for admission to the EPFL Master.
See the EPFL Master’s admission conditions.
Persons with a degree in architecture equivalent to the EPFL Master (diploma) will not be admitted to the Master programme.
French and English. An excellent command of French or English, and a good command of the other language are recommended.