Terms of the compulsory internship in architecture

Architecture Intership coordinator (Gesualdo Casciana)

The compulsory 12-month practical internship period is an integral part of the program of architecture at EPFL and condition of access to the master progam according to the Rule Book for the control of studies of the Section of Architecture. The application of the Rule Book is specified in the Guidelines of the architecture section relating to the internship.

The student performs his compulsory internship period in a firm, in Switzerland or abroad, for a total of 12 months full time, of which at least 6 consecutive months in the same architectural office.

For the remaining time, and for limited periods, the internship may also take place:
– In the field of urbanism (max. 6 months);
– In a landscape architecture firm (max. 6 months);
– In collaboration with Ingénieurs du monde for a project directly related to architecture (max. 3 months);
– In a building company, e.g. carpentery, joinery, masonry, etc. (max. 2 months);
– In other contexts, subject to prior authorisation by the EPFL architecture section (max. 2 months);

The internship, in whole or in part, can not be carried out before the end of the 2nd year of bachelor.

In all cases, it is mandatory that the student informs the internship coordinator before starting each internship in order to obtain the prior authorization of the section before signing the internship contract. You must inform the section on this point as soon as possible, by email, and indicate the name of the firm, the content of the einternship, name and qualification of your internship supervisor.

The internship registration and monitoring procedure is done on IS-Academia.

All the details on the internship management procedure are contained in the Vade-mecum for the announcement and management of internships on IS-Academia.