There are several possibilities for the promotion and communication of your event:
- Create in event announcement in the Memento Architecture
- Broadcast the event on the Polynex screens on campus
- Contact ENAC Communication Department for the elaboration of an official press release (article, photo and video report,…)
- Print various communication supports at the EPFL Printing Center (Reprography)
- Go to the memento architecture page
- Log in via your EPFL email at the bottom of the page, choose in the menu ‘my events’ then ‘create a new event announcement’
- Use the image format 1440×810px for the cover
- Tag Architecture (favorite mementos)+ EPFL + ENAC!
- Use the following writing for the title:
- If the title of the lecture series is short:
- Once upon a time : Up there, Manon Deschamps / LALO
- If the title of the lecture series is long: Il était une fois
- Up there, Manon Deschamps / LALO
- For the “Organiser” use either the capital abbreviation of the laboratory (e.g. ALICE) or the person’s full name in lower case (e.g. Eva Stones).
- If the title of the lecture series is short:

The use of the and corps-etudiants.enac mailing lists is limited to official communications. In order not to miss any announcements, we recommend that you subscribe to the architecture memento. For any questions or requests, you can contact us at [email protected].