Master thesis

Projet de Master 2020
The Master Project (PDM; 30 ECTS) is the research work that is achieved after the successful completion of the Master course cycle, i.e. 90 credits. The internship must also be completed before the start of the PDM, unless it is integrated into an in-enterprise PDM. It is a unique opportunity to conduct personal research on a topic related to environmental engineering under the supervision of a professor of the Section.
Useful information
In SIE, the Master project lasts 17 weeks when it’s achieved at EPFL. The length can be extended to 25 weeks, depending on the cases, if:
- the projects is achieved out of EPFL
- the extension request is made before the Master project starts
- the SIE Section approves the request
Extension requests made during the Master project will not be considered.
The oral defense must be scheduled within 4 weeks from the hand-in, but before Friday 26th September 2025 at the latest. After this deadline, the students will receive their Master diploma the following year.
The 2025 Graduation Day will take place on Saturday 4th October 2025.
- Please look at the list of Master project topics proposed by the SIE Professors and/or get in touch with them directly.
- You can also have a look at the ENAC semester Projects web page.
- All the Master project topics that come from the “Internship portal” or from personal contacts by the students (university, companies) have to be approved (level, goals) by an SIE Professor who will supervise the project, at least one month before the Project’s start. Master Projects that are taking place out of EPFL or abroad must also be approved by an SIE Professor.
A Master project can take place either within an IIE Laboratory (Environmental Engineering Institute), or within an external institution (academic or another research institution) under an SIE Professor’s or a MER’s supervision.
A Master project is usually not achieved within a Minor’s topic.
The oral defense is not public. Following Art. 4 of the Ordinance on the Evaluation of Bachelor and Master studies at EPFL, the oral defence must take place in front of the EPFL supervisor and an expert chosen by the EPFL supervisor, after approval of the SIE Director. Only the EPFL supervisor is allowed to invite other people to the oral defence. They do not participate in the final evaluation.
- Read the document carefully : SIE Master thesis guidelines
- Choose your topic and contact the professor in chargein order to specify the goals
- In the case of an external supervisor (outside SIE) or a scientific colleague, a JUSTIFIED REQUEST must be made to the SIE Section with the detailed project description.
- You may receive financial compensation in some cases. See this page for more details and follow the procedure.
- Register the Master Project on IS-Academia and set the project’s dates (with course registration module) – same deadline as for the courses registration
- Become a member of “International SOS” for medical assistance during your Master project abroad. This is mandatory when doing your Master project abroad.
- Ordinance on the Evaluation of Bachelor and Master Studies at EPFL
- Intellectual property, interpretation of the EPF rules
- SIE Master thesis guidelines
- Contract for Master Projects outside EPFL and Best practice regarding projects of Master’s degree in a company: please contact the Section. Document is not available online.
- Master Project Thesis Protocole
EPFL rewards the best academic results and the best Projects of Master by awarding several prizes in its own name, but also on behalf of private companies or foundations.
The majority of the prizes are awarded to the winners during the Graduation Day which takes place in October (with the exception of the research prizes). Some prizes are awarded at other times of the year and the dates are indicated in the respective prize information.
Some prizes are on application (max. 2 applications per student), others do not require registration. The conditions are indicated next to each price.
The deadline for application has been scheduled by the SAC on Friday 22nd August 2025.