The “Design Project” (10 ECTS) is a mandatory course to be carried out in the spring semester (M2). The organization of this project is led by the SIE Section which suggests a series of topics proposed by external partners or in collaboration with research laboratories affiliated to SIE. Registration for this course is mandatory and is to be done on IS-Academia.
At the end of the year, the SIE Section organizes a presentation of the Design Projects. Then the students take note of the proposed topics, make their choice and form groups in pairs.
- Instructions on the completion of the Design Project
- Budget estimation form
- Searching for scientific information and citation basis for your Design Project (pdf presentation of 29th February 2024)
- Agreement (pdf) ou Agreement (docx)
- Completion of the Poster :
Before the semester starts: please get in touch with your EPFL supervisor and with the company in order to schedule the first meeting.
- Friday 21st February 2025: 1st meeting between the 3 parties (students, industrial partner and SIE Professor)
- Thursday 27th February 2025 (12h-13h – room TBD): permanence office hour on the information sources (Beast, Google Scholar, Web of Science), and literature search, by Myriam Petrilli, Teaching Librarian
- Friday 28th February 2025: submission of the signed contract and budget estimation to the Section (scanned version)
- Friday 7th March 2025: submission of the goals, expectations and calendar to the SIE Professor and external partner
- Thursday 17th April 2025: submission of intermediate report to the SIE Professor and external partner
- Wednesday 21st May 2025: deadline for sending the PDF version of report to the SIE Professor and external partner for comments before finalization
- This report’s version serves as a basis for the oral presentation
- Monday 2nd June 2025, between 13h00 and 17h00 : printing of A0 poster at SG 0215 office (ENAC-IT – Benoit Hostettler)
- Beginning of June 2025: poster session of the Design Projects, from 14h to 17h, room TBD
- Friday 6th June 2025: submission of the final report version (PDF) to the SIE Professor and industrial partner
- Between 2nd and 13th June 2025: oral presentation of the Design Projects
- Monday 14th July 2025: submission of the grades to the SAC (by SIE Professors)
Topics of the Design Projects 2025
Click on “No” in order to see the Poster and on the title in order to visualize the topic’s description.
(xx students, xx topics)