Main principles
The one-day study trip takes place on one day, in March, and is scheduled by the academic service (SAC). It takes place on the same date for all EPFL sections and addresses students in the 2nd Bachelor year and students in the 1st Master year. The one-day study trip organizers are the class delegates and one SIE Professor chosen by the students depending on the visits planned.
- Study trips must follow an educational objective.
- A section instructor is present at all times during the trip.
- The organization of a study trip is not compulsory.
- The “study trip” budget is specifically allocated for this activity and may not be used for other purposes or transferred to the next year. Unused funding amounts must be repaid to the section.
- Study trips must take place outside of regular coursework periods and may only last one week.
- They are organized by the the class delegates and one SIE Professor chosen by the students depending on the visits planned.
- The study trips take place during the 3rd bachelor year.
- They must fit the following criteria defined by the section :
- The section directors shall ensure compliance with the principles described above and may refuse to approve a study trip that does not meet the requirements. In particular, they must approve the final program and budget.