
Testimonials of SIE students on their internship

Nicolas Wilczynski
“This experience allowed me to develop essential and complementary skills to those acquired at EPFL.”
I had the opportunity to participate in many different projects, from the preliminary design to the calculation and dimensioning phase. All this took place in excellent conditions. In particular, thanks to the young and dynamic team who did not hesitate to trust me. This allowed me to gain autonomy and to develop my sense of responsibility while creating interdisciplinary links between the different knowledge acquired during my training.
3 important points:
- Autonomy
- Responsibility
- Interdisciplinarity

Cécile Nyffeler
“If you want your internship to dazzle and fulfill you rather than dumb you down, count on the fine team at MicroGIS!”
My internship aimed to unveil the advantages and disadvantages of “story maps”, a new mode of information visualization that presents spatial data by dynamically linking map and text. MicroGIS wished to exploit the advantages of this technology, so I was in charge of testing to automate the coding of these interactive maps. I then had the opportunity to participate in projects using story maps.
3 important points:
- Coding of interactive maps
- Spatial data analysis
- Very friendly colleagues