
Civil Engineering students have two occasions, and no other, to do an exchange program during their bachelor and master studies:

  • the third year of bachelor (semestres BA5 and BA6)
  • the master project during the master (MA4)

A double degree with Ecole Centrale Paris (ECP) is also a possibility.

Third year of bachelor exchange program

Students have the possibility to do their third year of bachelor at ETHZ, in various universities across Europe (Germany, Spain, Norway, Sweden…), as well as in different countries overseas (USA, Canada, India, Singapore…). The conditions are:

  • obtaining an average note of at least 4.5 (ETHZ, Europe) and 5.0 (overseas) in the preparatory cycle
  • obtaining all credits from the second year of bachelor

Information and forms
On that page, you can find a list of destinations, reviews from your predecessors, the procedure to follow and the application file to complete.

This exchange implies signing a learning agreement, in which the candidate will define a provisional list of courses he shall follow during the exchange. This list will be validated by the responsible of exchange programs in Civil Engineering, and then the agreement must be submitted to the Student Affairs.

To create this list of courses, the student should find the most suited courses, for his level and in respect to the curriculum of the third year of Civil Engineering in EPFL, in the curriculum of courses in the university he wish to be in during his exchange program.

Double degree with ECP

A joint double degree agreement with Ecole Centrale de Paris (ECP) allows students to obtain a degree from both universities. This agreement is based on the following conditions:

– obtaining an average of at least 5.0 during the preparatory cycle (BA1, BA2)

– obtaining all credits from the second year of bachelor (BA3, BA4)

– after the first year of bachelor, obtaining 120 credits over two years in ECP, half of which (60 credits ECTS) must be from the section of civil engineering or from courses directly related to this field

– going back to EPFL for the two years of Master

A total of 180 credits for the bachelor degree, of which 120 must be validated by EPFL, needs to be earn in order to obtain the double degree. This implies a minimum duration of four years for the bachelor degree and another two years for the master degree.