Selection of courses

The Minor is built around a list of 22 classes spread over both semesters, totaling 80 credits ECTS. They are selected from the existing course offering. This selection offers a combination of theory classes – focusing on comfort, energy, environment and infrastructures – and project-oriented classes. In order to obtain the Minor, 30 credits ECTS have to be validated from this list of courses throughout the duration of the Master.

In order to ensure the fully interdisciplinary character of the Minor, the list of 22 classes is separated in two groups: “Core courses” and “Theory courses”. 14 credits ECTS must be obtained in each group (for a total of 30 credits ECTS). Moreover, the student must obtain at least 10 credits ECTS (out of the total of 30) in a section outside that in which he is registered.

At the time of registration,  students are required to have their selection of courses validated by the IDEAS Minor coordinator, Dr. Sophie Lufkin, by means of the online validation form. Changes from this original, validated version of the selection of courses must be announced and validated by the coordinator.