Interdisciplinary Centers

Interdisciplinary research is a core value at our school. ENAC is involved in the work of various research centers because tackling issues holistically is an important path to innovative new solutions on climate change, digitalization and urbanization.

The joint EPFL-UNIL research center invites contributions from all faculties of UNIL and EPFL to take action on climate change and its impacts. It addresses the need not only for consolidating climate change related research and innovation activities, but also for generating visibility in climate action.

Habitat Research Center is a trans-disciplinary research platform. Its aim is to explore the urban phenomena and to produce visions, strategies and projects on this primary and crucial topic.
Allying basic research and research by design, HRC is a logical and fruitful development of EPFL mission, offering a unique aggregation of architects and urbanists, civil and environmental engineers, urban ecologists and social scientists.

ampoule dans l'herbe

The mission of EPFL Energy Center (CEN) is to promote energy research led by EPFL, by challenging state-of-the-art technologies and addressing society’s challenges together to shape tomorrow’s energy system.

lac léman

The mission of the Limnology Center is to provide socially-relevant and multi-disciplinary research to ensure the sustainable use and conservation of natural water resources, both on the national and international levels.


The Swiss Polar Institute (SPI) was created to provide services to and promote synergies within the polar community in Switzerland.

prélévements dans l'eau

The Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology (Ecotox Centre) detects and assesses the environmental effects of chemicals and develops strategies for minimizing their risk.

The establishment of ALPOLE recognizes the global relevance of changes taking place in high-altitude and high-latitude environments, which are sentinels of climate change.

The Smart Living Lab is a research and development center for the built environment of the future whose aim is to achieve energy efficiency, digital transformation, and the well-being of its users. Here, interdisciplinary research projects are pursued with experiments carried out in real-life conditions. These activities involve researchers and companies.

The EPFL Center for Imaging aims at strengthening EPFL’s position as a world-leading institution in imaging science. Its core mission is to capitalise on this exceptional concentration of academic strengths and promote interdisciplinary collaborations and cross-fertilization in imaging at EPFL

EcoCloud is one and only academic center of its kind enabling eco-friendly smart data through resilient, efficient, secure and trustworthy data platforms.