Mechanization of Delta Wing Drones with Enhanced Payload Capabilities

In this semester project, students in the field of robotics or drone hobbyists will have the exciting opportunity to mechanize one/two existing Delta wing drones, enhancing their capabilities by installing a high-end GPS receiver, a new open-source autopilot system with custom features, implementing necessary interfacing while preparing mechanical attachment for an embedded computer.


  1. Autopilot Integration: Integrate an autopilot system to enable autonomous flight control, navigation, and stabilization of the delta wing drones. The developed mechanical attachment should be able to host an existing redundant IMU board.

  2. GPS Receiver Integration: Install a new and accurate GPS receiver for precise positioning and navigation, crucial for autonomous flight and data logging.

  3. Interfacing Development: Develop an HW/SW interface between the autopilot, GPS receiver, and potentially an onboard embedded computer.

  4. Optional Expansion: Depending on project progress, consider integrating an onboard embedded computer for advanced computation and calibration software for IMU deterministic errors.

  5. Concise Documentation: Create a comprehensive report documenting all modifications made to the drones, including details of the integrated components, hardware parts used, wiring diagrams, and programming methodologies.

  6. Flight Testing: Conduct flight tests to ensure the correct functionality of the mechanized drones, including autonomous flight modes, data logging, and stability.


  • Autopilot System and its mechanical attachment

  • GPS Receiver and its mechanical attachment

  • Interfacing Circuitry

  • On-board Embedded Computer (Optional)

  • Calibration Software Integration (Optional)


  • Mechanical assembly, design, and 3D printing.

  • Hands-on electronics including soldering.

  • C/C++ programming


  1. Fully mechanized delta wing drones with integrated autopilot and GPS systems.

  2. Documentation detailing modifications, hardware components used, and wiring diagrams.

  3. Flight test results demonstrate autonomous flight capabilities and data logging.

  4. Optional: Integration of an on-board embedded computer and/or calibration software, if time permits.

The recommended type of project:

Semester project


Motivated students can express their interest to Amann Sharma ([email protected]) alongside their CV, transcript, and a list of hardware projects executed with photos (if available)