ENAC news about research

Articles about research

In winter, dust and sand from the Sahara, blown westwards over the Atlantic Ocean, saturate the air off Cape Verde and the Canary Islands. © NASA EARTH OBSERVATORY

Opening a window on environmental phenomena

— Data collected by satellites, drones, radars and microscopes provide a goldmine of information to better understand our environment. And when these data are coupled with artificial intelligence (AI), they can unlock the secrets of phenomena taking place at all levels. 

Aerial view of Lake Geneva.© Istock/VogelSP

Researchers discover novel deepwater renewal process in Lake Geneva

— EPFL researchers discovered that deepwater renewal in Lake Geneva in wintertime is not only due to vertical mixing. Instead, strong currents coming from the lake’s Petit Lac basin and nearshore zones of the Grand Lac play a vital role.

Aerial view of Martigny, medium-sized city in Valais.© Istock/Catherine Leblanc

Learning lessons from medium-sized Swiss cities

— "La Suisse de A(rbon) à Z(oug): Portrait en 12 villes", a new book published by EPFL Press, eschews the traditional focus on major conurbations. Each chapter is penned by a researcher working in the humanities and social sciences, who provides insights into the city they know best through a dual lens: as both an expert and a resident.

© 2024 EPFL

"matières" magazine tackles the end of architecture

— The new issue of "matières" brings together essays in which an 'end' to architecture – historical or current – is analysed and interpreted. A publication directed by Christophe Van Gerrewey, assistant tenure track professor.

EPFL researcher Shannon David in the Laboratory of Experimental Virology (LEV) at EPFL.© 2024 EPFL/Alain Herzog - CC-BY-SA 4.0

Scientists reveal why some people with the flu may be more contagious

— EPFL scientists have discovered that in indoor spaces, droplets containing the flu virus will remain infectious for longer when they also contain certain types of bacteria found in our respiratory tract. This finding provides important insight into how respiratory infections are transmitted and can enhance estimates of exposure risk.

Detail of artwork: Embroidery of texts from colonial archives. © Denise Bertschi

A study of art and architecture revisits Swiss colonial history

— In her PhD thesis, carried out jointly at EPFL's Arts of Science Laboratory and the HEAD-Genève school of art in Geneva, Denise Bertschi examines Switzerland’s role in establishing a slavery-based colony in Brazil. Bertschi, who is also an artist, will display her work at both the Swiss National Museum and the Neuchâtel Art Center in September.

© 2024 EPFL

Thale cress: The unassuming weed that's lighting up science

— It’s a well-established fact that, in the plant world, competition for sunlight is intense. Smaller plants grow taller and spread their leaves to escape the shade cast by their loftier counterparts. But while we’ve long understood the mechanics of this adaptation process, little was known about how plants detect where sunlight is coming from. A team of scientists found the answer deep inside the cells of Arabidopsis thaliana.

A group of EPFL and ETH Zurich scientists have mapped the biodiversity in forests worldwide.© 2024 EPFL

Scientists map biodiversity changes in the world's forests

— A group of EPFL and ETH Zurich scientists have mapped the biodiversity in forests worldwide. Their data, when combined with climate projections, reveal trends that could support ecosystem conservation and restoration efforts.

Treelines are rising as a result of global warming.© Istock/semak

How rising treelines can affect Alpine lakes

— An EPFL scientist along with colleagues from universities across Europe have completed the first-ever quantitative study of the changes that soil organic matter from forests can cause in high-altitude and high-latitude lakes once it’s dissolved in the water

Photo caption and credit are indicated in the text below © City of Lausanne digitization workshop.

On the trail of pollution in Lausanne

— A team of researchers from EPFL, UNIL, and Unisanté have published a report that goes through the legacy of pollution from a trash incinerator that burned in the Lausanne Vallon neighborhood from 1958 to 2005. On March 27, they presented their research to the residents of the Vallon neighborhood.

Janody Pougala,transportation engineer.© 2024 EPFL/Alain Herzog - CC-BY-SA 4.0

New model better predicts our daily travel choices

— An EPFL engineer has developed a forecasting model that factors in not just our commuting habits, but also our activities during the day. Her flexible approach incorporates the idea of trade-offs in order to deliver more realistic predictions.

Students from EPFL’s rebuiLT project have recovered components from a 1970s building scheduled to be demolished. © 2023 rebuiLT/PJ Renaud CC-BY-SA 4.0

Making construction sustainable by reusing materials

— One way to lighten the construction industry’s heavy carbon footprint is to reuse existing materials – an approach being explored by numerous researchers. Here’s a look at some of their ideas, ahead of an upcoming speaker event at EPFL.

The cameras are placed on a structure that allows data to be taken from a wide range of corals. © LWimages

AI-powered system maps corals in 3D in record time

— An artificial intelligence system developed at EPFL can produce 3D maps of coral reefs from camera footage in just a few minutes. It marks a major leap forward in deep-sea exploration and conservation capabilities for organizations like the Transnational Red Sea Center (TRSC).

Alexandre Fourrier and Giovanni De Cesare are taking measurements in the Chamberonne delta on the shores of Lake Geneva.© 2024 EPFL/Alain Herzog - CC-BY-SA 4.0

Engineers facilitate the restoration of lake deltas

— Engineers from EPFL and partner organizations have developed a method for classifying lacustrine deltas based on morphological parameters, in order to determine which of the deltas severely altered by human activity are best suited for restoration to their natural state.

A glacier in Ecuador studied by the "Vanishing Glaciers" project. © EPFL/Vincent de Stark

Glacier shrinkage is causing a “green transition”

— Glacier-fed streams are undergoing a process of profound change, according to EPFL scientists in a paper appearing in Nature Geoscience. This conclusion is based on the expeditions to the world’s major mountain ranges by members of the Vanishing Glaciers project.

Once installed, defect-free turbines can operate for around 20 years. © iStock EPFL

AI-driven method helps improve quality assurance for wind turbines

— An international collaboration between EPFL and the University of Glasgow has led to an advanced machine-learning algorithm to effectively detect concealed manufacturing defects in wind turbine composite blades – before turbines are put into service.

© 2023 Solstis - CC-BY-SA 4.0

Energy Strategy 2050: the potential of millions of Swiss rooftops

— Five million rooftops in Switzerland – more than half of the nationwide total – are suitable for generating power. A review of two solar photovoltaic development strategies has shown that combining the two approaches could cause over two-thirds of Swiss towns and cities to become energy self-sufficient.

Fieldwork mission to Union Glacier, Antarctica 2022, in collaboration with antarcitca.cl (Universidad de Santiago Chile, USACH). © José Jorquera

Mapping the blue ice in Antarctica from the sky

— Antarctica’s blue ice is a gold mine of information for scientists. Yet it’s scattered across areas making up just 1% of the continent’s surface – so it’s not easy to find. But now, researchers have generated a map of blue ice areas by combining artificial intelligence with satellite data. [Article published in EPFL magazine Dimensions]

Gabriele Manoli: "Urban heat islands aren’t just about people feeling too hot". © iStock

Urban heat islands have a health cost

— A new study has produced the first cost estimate of the impact that urban heat islands have on human health. The study looked at 85 European cities over the course of three full years, meaning it also took into account the protection that heat islands offer in winter – an aspect that has been little studied until now.

EPFL scientists have developed METEOR – a chameleon application that can train algorithms to recognize new objects after being shown just a handful of images © iStock

Chameleon AI program classifies objects in satellite images faster

— An AI program can train neural networks, using just a handful of images, to rapidly characterize in satellite and drone data new objects like ocean debris, deforestation zones, urban areas and more.

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Barbara Lambec is an architect and a heritage specialist.  © 2024 EPFL / Alain Herzog

Making yesterday's commonplace today's innovation

— How can we renormalize reuse? Barbara Lambec, an architect, heritage specialist, and researcher at EPFL’s Structural Xploration Lab (SXL), answers to this question in a column published in three daily newspapers in French-speaking Switzerland.

Tiago P. Borges is architect and PhD student at EPFL. © 2024 EPFL / Alain Herzog

Reimagining dwelling

— It's possible to live in less conventional places, such as greenhouses, says Tiago P. Borges, architect and PhD student at EPFL’s Laboratory of Elementary Architecture and Studies of Types (EAST) in this column published in three local dailies.

Giuseppe Galbiati is an engineer-architect and former PhD student at EPFL. © 2024 EPFL / Alain Herzog

“Modern” does not mean “monster”

— Modern architectural buildings represent a rich repository of grey energy to be conserved, even if they are not always attractive, explains Giuseppe Galbiati, engineer-architect and former PhD student at EPFL’s Laboratory of Techniques and Preservation of Modern Architecture (TSAM), in this column.

Anjy Fröhlich and Lara Monti in front of a dismanteled filling stations. © Alain Herzog / 2024 EPFL

What does the future hold for filling stations?

— Filling stations will have to find a new purpose in a post-fossil-fuel world. That's what Anja Fröhlich, architect and associate professor, and Lara Monti, teaching assistant at EPFL's Laboratory of Elementary Architecture and Studies of Types, are talking about in this column.

Lucía Jalón Oyarzun and Emmanuelle Agustoni (ALICE). © EPFL/DR - Y.Bergeot - CC-BY-SA 4.0

Tapping into “urban intelligence”

— In this article appearing in Switzerland’s French-speaking press, Lucía Jalón Oyarzun, head of research at the Design Studio on the Conception of Space (ALICE) and Emmanuelle Agustoni, architect and scientist, explain how they built a picture of the living heritage of Vernier, a town on the western outskirts of Geneva

Glòria Serra Coch is architect and researcher at EPFL. © Alain Herzog / 2023 EPFL

Energy is (not) sexy

— In this article appearing in three local newspapers, Glòria Serra Coch, architect and PhD student at EPFL’s Human Environment Relations in Urban Systems (HERUS), wonders how to make the energy turn around more attractive.

Dimitrios Lignos is the Director of the Civil Engineering Institute at EPFL. © EPFL/Alain Herzog

How can we use steel efficiently for sustainable design?

— In this column, published in three regional dailies, Dimitrios Lignos, who heads EPFL’s Resilient Steel Structures Laboratory (RESSLab), explains how his laboratory's research is contributing to a more thoughtful use of steel in construction.

Emmanuel Rey is Associate professor of Architecture and Sustainable Construction Technologies. © Tonatiuh Ambrosetti

Toward post-carbon neighborhoods?

— In this column, published in three local dailies, Emmanuel Rey, Associate professor of Architecture and Sustainable Construction Technologies and head of the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (LAST), explains what lies behind the concept of "post-carbon neighborhoods".

Andrew Sonta is Tenure track assistant professor at the Smart Living Lab in Fribourg.© 2023 EPFL

Why flexible working has the power to change our cities

— In this column, published in three local dailies, Andrew Sonta, engineer and Tenure track assistant professor at the Smart Living Lab explains how evolving patterns of behavior have called into question the value of the physical office space and add an additional layer of complexity to optimal building design and operation.

Giulia Marino is architect and researcher at EPFL. © DR

What can the Avanchet-Parc housing complex teach us today?

— In this column, published in three regional dailies, researcher and architect Giulia Marino discusses how the Avanchet-Parc housing complex near Geneva can inspire future ecodistricts

Camille Fauvel is lecturer at EPFL. © Alain Herzog / EPFL 2023

Temporary structures can help find lasting solutions

— In this column, published in three local dailies, Camille Fauvel explains how temporary structures can help us observe how people use public spaces. Fauvel, a lecturer in architecture at ENAC, cites a project carried out by EPFL students on Lake Geneva.

Mathias Lerch is researcher at EPFL. © A. Herzog/EPFL

Will urban sprawl in Switzerland ever end?

— Public policies aimed at curbing urban sprawl have limited effects, says Mathias Lerch in this column. The ENAC researcher cites a study conducted by his laboratory on peri-urbanization in Switzerland since the 1960s.

Anna Karla de Almeida Santos. © Alain Herzog / EPFL

Industrial heritage: a driver of the socioecological transition

— In this article appearing in Switzerland’s French-speaking press, Anna Karla de Almeida Santos, a PhD candidate at the Laboratory of Urbanism (Lab-U), explains that the transformation of sites with an industrial past represents an opportunity to test research avenues and materialize the socio-ecological transition.

Margaux Peltier is an EPFL civil engineer. © Martin Ruetsche

Tapping into the energy stored beneath our cities

— In this article appearing in Switzerland’s French-speaking press, Margaux Peltier, the CEO of Enerdrape and a research assistant at EPFL’s Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, explains how recent technology developed at EPFL can help bring geothermal energy into existing buildings.

Jerôme Chenal is Head of the Urban and Regional Planning Community. © Alain Herzog / EPFL

Made in the shade

— In this article appearing in Switzerland’s French-speaking press, Jérôme Chenal, the head of EPFL’s Urban and Regional Planning Community (CEAT), gives suggestions for how city planners can adapt their cities to make them more resilient to climate change.

Valentin Bourdon et Paola Viganò collaborent au Centre Habitat de l'EPFL. © Alain Herzog / EPFL

Understanding our existing heritage

— In this article appearing in a local newspapers, Paola Viganò, head of EPFL’s Habitat Research Center, and Valentin Bourdon, its coordinator, highlight why it’s so important to understand past architects’ intentions when adapting heritage buildings to modern contexts.

Sergi Aguacil with a view of the future Smart Living Lab's building. © T.Delley/behnischarchitekten

Local energy solutions help tackle global challenges

— In this article originally appearing in French, Sergi Aguacil, an architect and head of the Building2050 Group at EPFL’s School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC), discusses the research he’s doing at the Smart Living Lab in Fribourg to develop distributed power generation and seasonal storage systems for buildings.

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Internal news

© 2023 EPFL

ENAC Fribourg Grants: apply now!

— We have the pleasure to launch an internal call: “ENAC Fribourg Grants”, offering a new opportunity to boost interdisciplinary research and innovative approaches for a sustainable development of the built environment. The call is open to all EPFL laboratories.

Freilager neighborhood, Zurich (arch. Rolf Mühlethaler) © gataric-fotografie

Forum des transitions urbaines 2023

— Entitled "Towards Post-Carbon Neighborhoods", the Forum des transitions urbaines will be held on September 8, 2023 in the Auditorium of Microcity, a branch of the EPFL in Neuchâtel (Switzerland). Organized jointly by the Ecoparc Association and the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (LAST) of the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), in partnership with the journal Tracés, the biennial event will approach this crucial theme for our built environment from different angles.

© 2023 EPFL

Three "ENAC Flagship projects" granted

— We're happy to announce the 3 successful ENAC Flagship projects, involving 7 ENAC Professors coming from different research disciplines. The Flagships will receive between 400 and 500 kCHF each and will be running until spring 2026!

© 2022 EPFL

Five new ENAC Interdisciplinary Cluster Grant projects

— ENAC's 3rd call for Interdisciplinary Cluster Grants resulted in 5 new projects, across ENAC's Institutes, addressing novel interdisciplinary research questions linked to climate change, digitalization and urbanzation.

© 2022 EPFL

ENAC Flagship projects: apply now!

— We have the pleasure to open a new internal call: “ENAC Flagship projects”, which is a unique opportunity to boost interdisciplinary and ground-breaking research.

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