The Information Systems Department is responsible for implementing EPFL’s digital strategy. Its missions include, in a combination of direct responsibilities and matrix responsibilities, the development and implementation of EPFL’s IT strategy and master plan, IT security, management of the central IT infrastructure, application management core-business, as well as coordination with the faculties’ IT departments.

Head of Department
Our vision
To develop a secure, efficient, reliable IS focused on user needs facilitating access to information and increasing EPFL’s operational efficiency.
Be the key strategic partner for EPFL’s information technologies initiatives.
Our strategy
- DSI is responsible for transforming EPFL into a truly digital and sustainable administration. It supports responsible digitalization initiatives in teaching, research and innovation.
- DSI provides a platform for distributed IT services (from faculties, other vice-presidencies, centres); our goal is to strengthen them in their missions of proximity and operation of applications specific to their profession, and to group services together when their original specificity disappears.
- We acknowledge to technological developments and needs, avoid technological debt, and continually identify new areas of added value for DSI.
Our technological principles
- Cloud first Design
DSI prioritizes implementing cloud solutions (SaaS) in a format compatible with mobile devices, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and considering the volume of data to be processed. - Privacy and Security by Design
DSI considers the elements of privacy and security from the outset of digital initiatives and maintains a high level of standards throughout the entire lifecycle. - Make or Buy split
We deploy commercial solutions (COTS) by default and prioritise the use of our strategic platforms. We develop in-house solutions when no solution on the market can meet a specific need. - Internal vs Outsourced IT activities
We carry out strategic activities internally and are constantly looking for opportunities to outsource activities with low added value or of a highly specialised nature.
Services and units
Head : Bruce Colombet
Head : Eric Cardoso
Head : Jean-Maurice Jeannerat
Head : Philippe Morel
Links and documents
All IT services
Consult the services catalog
IT Support Service Desk
For all your IT service requests, please contact the Service Desk
IT Security
IT Security is everyone’s business
The essentials
EPFL Campus App
The application for your smartphone, available on the Apple and Google AppStores
Keep Learning
Find out more about IT security and data protection trainings
IS Forum
The conference IS Forum brings together all IT professionals at EPFL to talk about the School’s IT topics and challenges.