Evaluation of EPFL’s Schools and Colleges

In accordance with Article 10b of ETH Law, the ETH Board requires an external evaluation of the faculties and colleges of the EPFL every 8 years. The ETH Board takes note of the results.

The framework conditions for evaluations at the EPFL are described in the guidelines and procedure for the evaluation of EPFL Schools and Colleges (available on request). This document was written in coordination with ETH Zurich after benchmarking the practices of the best world-class technological universities. In summary, the EPFL’s Direction selects the jury and establishes the terms of reference for this evaluation. The self-evaluation phase is organized by the Dean of the EPFL School or the Director of the College. The external experts conduct the evaluation phase and report to the EPFL’s Direction.

The executive summaries of the evaluation of the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (2023) and of the School of Live Science (2024) are available. The College of Management of Technology will be evaluated in November 2025.



Last update January 6th, 2025, Ewa Mariéthoz