Funding for EPFL projects in 2022
In 2022 through a Call for LéXPLORE Projects, the Limnology Center has selected the following project:
Beauvais Rébecca, Ferrari Benoît, Casado-Martinez Carmen, Rohrbach Emmanuelle, LéXPOSTRAC: Tracking ecotoxicological effects of lake suspended particulate matter on the ostracod Heterocypris incongruens
The Limnology Center funded them for a total amount of 19 KCHF.
Funding for EPFL projects in 2021
In 2021 through a Call for LéXPLORE Projects, the Limnology Center has selected the following three projects:
- Carratalà Ripollès Anna, Ibelings Baastian, Odermatt Daniel, Janssen Elisabeth: Remote sensing and risk assessment of toxic Cyanobacteria in Lake Geneva (CYANOSENSE)
- Bouffard Damien, Perga Marie-Elodie, Runnalls James, Russo Stefania: REPRODUCE – léxploRE PRODUct ACcESs
- Tercier-Waeber Mary-Lou, Ibelings Bastiaan, Layglon Nicolas, Gressard Tanguy: Synergic interaction between arsenic species and microorganisms under in freshwater contrasting dynamic conditions (ARSENIC)
The Limnology Center funded them for a total amount of 120 kCHF.
Funding for EPFL projects in 2020
In 2020 through a Call for LéXPLORE Projects, the Limnology Center has selected the following three projects:
- Carratalà Anna, Chmiel Hannah, Joost Stéphane, Janssen Elisabeth, Kohn Tamar: Unravelling the diversity, functioning and toxin production of cyanobacteria populations in lake Geneva (CYANOFUN)
- Bernier-Latmani Rizlan, Maerkl Sebastian, Adam Nicolas, and Selz Jonathan: GenoRobotics – CoWaS (Continuous Water Sampling)
- Ferrari Benoît J.D, Beauvais Rébecca, Casado-Martinez Carmen, and Thiemann Christina : Effects of the quality of lake suspended matter on growth, emergence and molecular endpoints in Chironomus riparius
The Limnology Center funded them for a total amount of 79 kCHF.

Funding for EPFL projects in 2019
In 2019 through a Call for LéXPLORE Projects, the Limnology Center has selected the following four projects:
Kirstin Schirmer: RAINBOWFLOW CHIPONLINE: Fish cell biosensor for automated water quality testing
Stéphane Joost, Tamar Kohn and Alcherio Martinoli: Local Adaptation of freshwater bacteria Communites to environmental conditions (LAC)
Florian Breider: MicroSed project – Deposition and Accumulation of Microplastics in Lake Sediment
Yves Bellouard: All-glass sensors for DCM algae population monitoring
These projects are promoting both new technologies on LéXPLORE and collaborations with the other partner institutions. The Limnology Center funded them for a total amount of 175 kCHF.
Funding for seed projects in 2018
In 2018 through a call for seed project, the Limnology Center selected four projects on the primary productivity in large lakes:
- Fabio Lepori: Software for lake productivity
Frank Peeters: Primary productivity of different phytoplankton groups in Lake Constance
Bastiaan Ibelings: Stoichiometric bottlenecks in the foodweb of Lake Geneva under impact of reoligotrophication
Daniel Odermatt: Whitening detection and optical characterization (w-doc)
These projects are an important addition to our Primary Production Project. The Limnology Center funded them for 172 kCHF.
Funding for seed projects in 2017
In 2017, the LIMNC further supported 6 subprojects within the Life under Ice project for a total of 145 kCHF.
Funding for projects in 2014
The Limnology Center brought together seven subprojects around the Life under Ice project. The Fondation pour l’Etude des Eaux du Léman funded this large multidisciplinary project for 1’300 kCHF.