Reports on activities within the Limnology Center

The year 2021 was a turning point for the Limnology Center, due to the Director Prof. Wüest’s retirement. Fortunately, the LIMNC Center is successfully secured until the end of the LéXPLORE platform.

In 2020, we reached 25 registered projects on LéXPLORE, and promising results from the primary production projects. Following the excellent external evaluation, the Limnology Center was extended until 2026.

LéXPLORE platform provides high-frequency data for 16 scientific projects. This novel infrastructure was the subject of many newspaper articles. Two workshops were dedicated to the “Primary Production” project.

“Life under Ice” results were presented during ELLS-IAGLR conference in Evian, before the closure ceremony of this project. LéXPLORE pontoon was fully built and instruments within the protection circle were deployed.

Two international field expeditions took place on Lake Onego in March and June for the third consecutive year. EPFL, Unil, UniGE and Eawag provided LéXPLORE funding and its steering committee was setup.

In March, the largest field expedition of “Life under Ice” on Lake Onego brought 40 international researchers together. We investigated twelve lakes in Canada to search for lakes with old seawater at depth.

The first expedition to Lake Onego brought seven research groups onto the ice. For the last year, EPFL scientists investigated Lake Leman and participated in an expedition around the entire Lake Baikal.

Lake Leman and Lake Baikal’s water quality were investigated from the air during intensive joint fieldworks and a Swiss-Russian expedition over the Selenga Delta. “Life under Ice” project was official launched.

Hyperspectral images with ground truthing were collected during eleven flights over Lake Leman. Swiss and Russian scientists collaborated on the first acquisition of remote sensing data on Lake Baikal.