Computer Science
The Master’s program in Computer Science offers a unique choice of courses that covers all aspects of the discipline, ranging from advanced digital technologies to distributed information systems and security. It also includes emerging disciplines such as biocomputing and service science.
The EPFL program offers specializations in the following areas:
- computer engineering
- data analytics
- foundations of software
- cyber security
- networking and mobility
- signals, images and interfaces
- software systems
- wireless communications
- computer science theory
- internet information systems
Program’s objectives
EPFL has recently recruited several world-class professors performing cutting-edge research at the core of Computer Science, offering students one of the best Computer Science curriculum in Europe.
Graduates are able to lead research and development teams in industry, which critically depends on information technology. They traditionally enjoy a very wide range of employment opportunities: from the banking industry to companies developing software and hardware, from consulting to all areas of human endeavor where information technology is a critical component. Employers include large global corporations as well as small companies and international and local start-ups. This Master’s program also paves the way for a research career at EPFL or in any top university or research center in the world.
Simplified study plan
Please note that the information regarding programs’ structure as well as the simplified study plans may be subject to change and that they are not legally binding. Only the official regulations and study plans are binding.
Admission criteria
EPFL Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Communication Systems.
A Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering or in a related field with an excellent academic record may be accepted. Additional credits to fill any gaps may be required.
Further information about admission criteria
Teaching language
English. Excellent English language skills are required to follow this Master’s program.
Diploma and title obtained
Upon completion of their Master’s curricula, students obtain an EPFL Master of Science MSc in Computer Science. The diploma also gives graduates the right to use the title of EPF qualified Engineer.
To learn more about this program, please use the following contacts:
0041 21 693 60 48