Double degrees and joint Master’s

EPFL, via strategic alliances with certain international academic partners, offers students with outstanding academic records the opportunity to follow a double degree or a joint degree program.

Double degrees and joint Master’s degrees are demanding and selective programs that offer talented students the opportunity to develop skills that complement those acquired in the basic training of their home institution, at national or international level. It is a rich path in terms of content, but also in terms of adaptability and autonomy. It allows students to discover new themes, cultivate transdisciplinarity, develop language skills and build a network, all of which are assets to be put forward to future employers.

Double degrees

General information for EPFL students


As for double degree programs starting at Bachelor’s level (Polytechnique Paris, CentraleSupélec), EPFL students must have an overall average of at least 5,0/6 over the first-year cycle (propaedeutic year) and have successfully completed the 2nd year of their Bachelor’s degree (60 ECTS).

As for double degree programs starting at Master’s level, EPFL students must have obtained their Bachelor’s degree with an overall average of at least 5,0/6 and have completed the 60 ECTS corresponding to their 1st year of the Master’s degree (unless the stay at the host institution takes place during the 1st year of the Master’s degree).

The field of study involved must give its approval before the student can carry on with the formalities.

External students joining EPFL for the Master’s cycle as well as internal students who decide to change field at Master’s level are not allowed to apply for a double degree program.

Students who wish to enter another section at EPFL after returning from a stay at a host institution must refer to the program transfer conditions.

Deadlines and application

EPFL registration deadline is December 1 of the year prior to the start of the studies in the partner institution, regardless of destination.

Students must complete the Double Degree application form available on the student portal (Exchange application tab) and validate the form within the specified deadline. An explanation on how to fill out this form is available on this page.

The acceptance by EPFL does not guarantee the admission to a double degree program. Both the home and the host institution must approve the admission to a double degree program.

As a general rule, EPFL students following a double degree program only pay tuition fees at their home university. However, other fees may be charged by the host university.

Double degree program in Europe
EPFL students following a double degree program in Europe receive – the 1st year only – a SEMP (Swiss-European Mobility Programme) scolarship of CHF 320.- per month.

Double degree program outside of Europe
EPFL students following a double degree program outside of Europe receive – the 1st year only – a scholarship of CHF 2000.-.

General information for students from a partner institution

Students from a partner institution who want to join EPFL for a double degree program are admitted on the basis of a written application. It will be assessed by the admission committee in the same way as applications of international students to a Master’s program.

Prior to sending their application to EPFL, candidates must have been selected by their home institution. This selection does not guarantee the acceptance by EPFL’s admission committee, and thereby the admission to a double degree program.

A C1 level in English is strongly recommended by EPFL.

Students from a partner institution who take part in a double degree program at EPFL only pay tuition fees to their home institution. They must however pay a CHF 50.- semester fee at EPFL. This amount covers the AGEPoly membership, the contribution to sports facilities and to the social fund.

Students with outstanding academic records may qualify for an EPFL excellence fellowship. The selection and award criteria are exclusively linked to the quality of the academic records.

Further information

List of double degrees

Polytechnique Paris (L’X)

Sciences and engineering apart from architecture | French “cycle ingénieur”


Electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, microengineering and civil engineering | French “cycle ingénieur”


Mechanical engineering, Electrical and electronic engineering, Microengineering | French “cycle ingénieur”

ENS de Lyon

Biotechnology and chemical engineering

Politecnico di Milano

Computational sciences

Joint Master’s degrees

Joint Master’s degree programs offered by EPFL and its partners are subject to specific conditions that are available on each Master’s web page.

ETH Zürich

Nuclear engineering

MNIS: Grenoble INP – Politecnico di Torino

Electrical and electronic engineering

ETH Zürich

Cyber security


Sustainable Management and Technology


Please contact us should you have any questions or require further information:

[email protected]


Centre Midi – CM2 348

Station 10

CH – 1015 Lausanne

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