EDBB Course information

Please note that the course below is mandatory for all EDBB PhD Students:

  •  BIO-664 Responsible Conduct in Biomedical Research (1 ECTS)

Education course on laboratory animal experimentation organized by the Lemanic Animal Facility Network (RESAL).

  • Module 1: Theoretical and practical course on “laboratory rodants” (40h), practical course on “laboratory aquatic animals” (20h), practical course on “pigs” (20h)
  • Module 2: Education for persons responsible for directing animal experiments

Please note that in EDBB any EPFL course (BA/MA/PhD) which may be useful to the PhD Students for the advancement of their thesis projects can count towards the 12-credit requirement, providing that the EDBB candidate’s thesis director approves of him/her taking the course.

Recommended Bachelor & Master courses

EDNE – Neuroscience

  • BIO-692 Symmetry and Conservation in the Cell (3 ECTS)

EDMI – Microsystems and Microelectronics

  • MICRO-706 Microfluidics for lab-on-a-chip (1 ECTS)

EDMX – Materials Science and Engineering

  • MSE-617 Nanoparticles for medical applications (2 ECTS)

EDRS – Robotics, Control, and Intelligent Systems

  • ENG-606(a) Design of experiments (4 ECTS)

Students can earn credits from other external doctoral courses if the EDBB program director approves them beforehand and this approval is documented in writing: course description, number of hours, organizing institution and instructor. Provision of credits follows the EPFL rules, in terms of duration and evaluation.

External courses may include Summer/Winter schools, training camps, however not seminars, nor conferences.

1 credit = 28 hours of work (contact hours + hours of personal work), with a written or oral examination of the student.

Please use the following document for your external course credit request and follow the instructions on the top of the form: Request for outside course credit