Projects by laboratory

for Computer Science, Data Science, Communication Systems

SchoolURLLabSupervisorIC DomainResearch Interests
AIMMArtificial Intelligence in Molecular MedicineBunne, CharlotteAIML, VCmachine learning, deep learning, foundation models, personalized medicine, computational biology, control theory, optimal transport
ICCHILIComputer-Human Interaction for Learning & InstructionDillenbourg, PierreDE, HCIR/VR, tangibles, eye tracking, collaborative learning, vocational education, classroom orchestration, learning technologies, learning analytics, human-computer interaction
ICCLAIREAI ResearchGulcehre, CaglarAIML, NLP, VCmachine learning, deep dearning, reinforcement learning, cognitive science, artificial intelligence
ICCOMPSECComputation SecurityChiesa, AlessandroATCS, SPprobabilistic proofs, zero knowledge proofs, succinct arguments
ICCVLABComputer VisionFua, PascalAIML, SIP, VCcomputer vision, image understanding, machine learning, deep learning
ICCVLABComputer VisionSalzmann, MatthieuAIML, VCcomputer vision, domain adaptation, efficient and robust deep learning, deep learning for visual scene understanding
ICDATAData Analysis Theory and ApplicationsKoch, ChristophATCS, DMIR, PLFMfoundations of query languages, analytical databases, incremental view maintenance and online query processing, databases and compilation
ICDCLDistributed ComputingGuerraoui, RachidATCS, AIML, DC, PLFMalgorithms, security and privacy, operating systems and networks, artificial intelligence
ICDCSLData Center SystemsBugnion, EdouardOSNETdatacenter efficiency, microsecond-scale computing, trust in the cloud, computer systems, datacenter operating systems and networking, virtualization
ICDEDISDecentralized and Distributed SystemsFord, BryanDC, PLFM, SPdecentralized systems, digital personhood, e-voting and digital democracy, blockchains and cryptocurrencies
CDH/IC (courtesy)DHLABDigital HumanitiesKaplan, Frédéric; Ehrmann, MaudAIML, VCprocedural systems, morphological recognition, 4D models, cultural acceptance of technology
ICDIASData-Intensive Applications and SystemsAilamaki, AnastasiaCAIS, DMIRserverless data analytics and real-time query processing, database system design on modern hardware platforms and storage systems, elastic computational infrastructures for data-intensive scientific applications
DISOPTDiscrete OptimizationEisenbrand, FriedrichATCScombinatorial optimization, computational geometry, complexity, approximation algorithms
ICDLABData ScienceWest, RobertAIML, DMIR, HCI, NLPneuro-symbolic NLP, online behavior, digital trace analysis, social network analysis, Wikipedia, Web and social media analysis
ICDSLABDependable SystemsCandea, GeorgeOSNET, PLFM, SPreliability and security in large-scale systems, predictable system performance, scalability
ICGCMGeometric ComputingPauly, MarkAIML, HCI, VCgeometric computing, digital fabrication, computational design, architectural geometry
ICHCIHuman-Computer InteractionPu, PearlAIML, DMIR, HCI, NLPrecommender systems, neural generation of empathetic dialogs, trust and explanation interfaces, fairness in two-sided recommender systems
ICHEXHIVEHexHivePayer, MathiasPLFM, SPsystem security, software security, mitigations, sanitization, automated testing, compartmentalization
ICIIGImmersive InteractionsBoulic, RonanAIML, HCI, VCvirtual reality, immersive and embodied interaction, computer animation, virtual humans, motion capture and retargeting, cybersickness
ICINDY1Information and Network Dynamics 1Grossglauser, MatthiasAIML, DMIR, ICTnetwork science, discrete choice theory and applications, recommender systems, data mining
ICINDY2Information and Network Dynamics 2Thiran, PatrickATCS, AIML, ICTnetwork science, stochastic models, data analytics, machine learning
ICIVRLImages and Visual RepresentationSüsstrunk, SabineAIML, HCI, SIP, VCcomputational photography, computational imaging, inverse problems in imaging, color image processing and computer vision, computational image quality and aesthetics
ICLAMP1Programming Methods 1Odersky, MartinCAIS, PLFMsystem security, software security, mitigations, sanitization, automated testing, compartmentalization
ICLAPProcessor ArchitectureIenne, PaoloCAIScomputer and processor architecture, FPGAs and reconfigurable computing, electronic design automation, computer arithmetic
ICLAPProcessor ArchitectureKluter, TiesCAISC-based RTL designing, system level designing, FPGA designing, reconfigurable computing, micro controller, micro processor architectures
ICLARAAutomated Reasoning and AnalysisKuncak, ViktorPLFMprogram verification and synthesis, automated theorem proving
ICLASECSecurity and CryptographyVaudenay, SergeATCS, ICT, SPcryptography, cryptographic constructions, security models, cryptanalysis, biometry, privacy vs transparency, fairness
ICLCAVAudiovisual CommunicationsPrandoni, PaoloICT, SIPaudio and video processing, algorithmic development, communication systems design
LCNComputational NeuroscienceGerstner, Wulfram;
Brea, Johanni
AIMLcomputational neuroscience, theoretical neuroscience, learning in biology and its relation to the machine learning, Hebbian learning, two-factor rules, three-factor rules, reinforcement learning, unsupervised representation learning, analysis of large-scale recurrent networks, dynamics in neural networks, spiking neurons
LDMMedia and DesignHuang, JeffreyHCIurban digital twins, smart environments, VR/AR, artificial design, experience design, design theory
ICLIAArtificial IntelligenceFaltings, BoiAIML, NLPmulti-agent systems, distributed AI, privacy-preserving AI, computational game theory
ICLIAArtificial IntelligenceRajman, MartinAIML, NLPartificial intelligence, computational linguistics and data-driven probabilistic machine learning
ICLINXInformation in Networked SystemsGastpar, MichaelICT, SIPinformation theory, signal processing, machine learning, statistics, theoretical and statistical neuroscience
LSIIntegrated SystemsDe Micheli, GiovanniCAISdesign algorithms and tools for integrated circuits and systems, digital design with emerging technologies, electronic devices and sensors
ICLSIRDistributed Information SystemsAberer, KarlAIML, DMIR, NLPsemantic interoperability, information retrieval, social networks, trust management
ICLTHCCommunication TheoryUrbanke, RüdigerICTcoding theory, information theory, theory of ML, quantum communication and quantum computation
ICLTHIInformation TheoryLévêque, OlivierICTprimarily teaching (introduction to computer science to non-CS students, from secondary school to first year at EPFL); teachers’ education
ICLTHIInformation TheoryTelatar, EmreICTreliable communication, efficient communication, information theoretic privacy, age of information
LTS4Signal Processing 4Frossard, PascalAIML, NLP, SIP, VCgraph signal processing, network machine learning, machine learning and data science, imaging, AI for Health, AI for Science, generative AI
MDS2Mathematical Data Science Abbé, EmmanuelATCS, AIML, ICTfoundations of artificial intelligence, reasoning in machine learning, information compression, random structures and algorithms
ICMILMathematics of InformationShkel, YaninaATCS, ICTtheoretical aspects of data science, statistics, privacy, cryptography, {information, learning, coding}-theory
ICML4EDMachine Learning for EducationKäser, TanjaAIML, DE, HCIgeneralizability, fairness, explainability, modeling of higher-order skills
MLBIOMachine Learning for Biomedical DiscoveryBrbic, MariaAIMLcomputational biology, unsupervised and semi-supervised learning, transfer learning, meta-learning, graph representation learning, explainable AI, single-cell genomics
ICMLOMachine Learning and OptimizationJaggi, MartinATCS, AIML, DC, NLPdistributed training, collaborative learning, efficiency, robustness and privacy when training ML and deep learning models
MOBOTSMobile Robotic SystemsMondada, FrancescoDE, HCIinterdisciplinary research, pedagogy, educational robotics, biological modeling using robotics, education to CS, social impact of digitalisation
ICNALNetwork ArchitectureArgyraki, KaterinaOSNETnetwork transparency and neutrality, network inference, network function verification, performance verification
ICNLPNatural Language ProcessingBosselut, AntoineAIML, DMIR, HCI, NLPnatural language understanding, commonsense knowledge representation and reasoning, neuro-symbolic AI, natural language generation
ICPARSAParallel Systems ArchitectureFalsafi, BabakCAIS, DC, PLFMpost-Moore servers, sustainability in datacenters, machine learning systems, cloud computing
ICPARSAParallel Systems ArchitectureStojilovic, MirjanaCAIS, SPfield-programmable technology, electronic design automation (EDA), electrical-level attacks and countermeasures for reconfigurable hardware
ICRGLRealistic GraphicsJakob, WenzelPLFM, SIP, VCinverse graphics, appearance modeling, graphics systems and compilers, physically based rendering
ICRS3LABRobust Scalable Systems SoftwareKashyap, SanidhyaCAIS, OSNETparallelism, concurrency, storage, verification, and software security
ICSaCSScalable Computing SystemsKermarrec, Anne-MarieAIML, DMIR, DCsystem support for federated and decentralized learning, gossip-based distributed computing, peer to peer computing, scalable design, failure resilience, performance and privacy-preservation
Salathe LabDigital EpidemiologySalathé, MarcelAIML, DMIRdigital health, epidemiology, digital cohorts
ICSENSSensing and Networking SystemsAl-Hassanieh, HaithamICT, OSNET, VCG and 6G cellular networks, millimeter wave, internet of things, wireless sensing, autonomous driving, biomolecular communication, spare Fourier Transform
ICSMILSStatistical Mechanics of Inference in Large SystemsMacris, NicolasICTstatistical physics, high-dimensional inference, learning theory, coding theory, quantum information
SPOC2Statistical Physics of ComputationZdeborová, LenkaATCS, AIML, ICT, SIPapplications of methods of statistical physics, such as advanced mean field methods, replica method and message passing algorithms, to problems in machine learning, signal processing, inference and optimization
ICSPRINGSecurity and Privacy EngineeringGonzalez Troncoso, CarmelaDMIR, DC, SPprivacy engineering, societal impact of machine learning, decentralization
ICSYSTEMFSystems and FormalismsPit-Claudel, ClémentPLFM, SPprogramming languages, compilers, formal verification, systems engineering, hardware design languages, security, performance engineering, databases, and type theory
ICTHL2Theory of Computation 2Svensson, OlaATCSalgorithms, clustering, combinatorial optimization, com-plexity theory, data-driven decision processes, graph theory
ICTHL4Theory of Computation 4Kapralov, MichaelATCStheoretical foundations of big data analysis (sublinear algorithms)
ICTHL5Theory of Computation 5Göös, MikaATCSlower bounds for concrete models of computation: circuits, communication protocols, decision trees, propositional proofs
ICTMLTheory of Machine LearningFlammarion, NicolasATCS, AIMLtheory of deep learning, optimization, robust machine learning, meta-learning, self-supervised machine learning
ICUPHARTLEYIntelligent Global Health & Humanitarian Response TechnologiesHartley, Mary-AnneAIMLdigital global health, implementable AI4Health, machine learning, distributed learning
UPSCHRIMPF2NeuroAISchrimpf, MartinAIML, NLP, VCneuroAI, computational neuroscience, computer vision, natural language processing, human alignment, startups
ICUPVIDICKQuantum Complexity and CryptographyVidick, ThomasATCSquantum complexity, cryptography, quantum interactive proof systems,
quantum mechanics, theoretical computer science
ICVCAVerification and Computer ArchitectureBourgeat, ThomasCAIS, PLFM, SPprocessor design, programming languages, computer architecture and formal hardware verification
ICVILABVisual Intelligence and LearningZamir, AmirAIML, SIP, VCembodied vision, vision-for-robotics, multi-task learning, self/unsupervised learning, visual robustness and adaptation
ICSIN-GEComputer Science SectionChappelier, Jean-Cédricnatural language processing, information theory, programming
ICSIN-GEComputer Science SectionDoeraene, Sébastien language design, compilers, virtual machines, pedagogy in computer science
ICSIN-GEComputer Science SectionPereira Pires, Rafaeldistributed systems, privacy & security, embedded systems, robotics
ICSIN-GEComputer Science SectionRegev, Gilrequirements engineering, business modeling, enterprise architecture, knowledge management, creativity in organizations, systems thinking
ICSIN-GEComputer Science SectionSam, Jamila
ICSIN-GEComputer Science SectionSchinz, Michel
IC Domains: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning – AIML // Algorithms & Theoretical Computer Science – ATCS // Computer Architecture & Integrated Systems – CAIS // Data Management & Information Retrieval – DMIR // Digital Education – DE // Distributed Computing – DC // Human-Computer Interaction – HCI // Information & Communication Theory – ICT // – Natural Language Processing – NLP //Operating Systems and Networks – OSNET // Programming Languages & Formal Methods – PLFM // Security & Privacy – SP // Signal & Image Processing – SIP // Visual Computing – VC
SchoolURLLabSupervisorResearch Interests
CDHDCMLDigital and Cognitive MusicologyRohrmeier, Martindigital musicology, music cognition, music theory, implicit learning, music & language
CDHLHSTHistory of Science and TechnologyBaudry, Jérômedeveloping and experimenting with new tools and methods – especially digital and computational – for historical research
CDHDHI-GETime MachineDi Lenardo, Isabellaart history, digital art history, digital urban history, digital humanities, network analysis
CDMBANBusiness AnalyticsKiyavash, Negarcausality, statistics, machine learning, data science
ENACDISALDistributed Intelligent Systems and AlgorithmsMartinoli, Alcherioautonomous robotics, distributed robotics, swarm robotics, distributed intelligent systems, sensor and actuator networks; intelligent vehicles, swarm intelligence, distributed control and estimation, mechatronic design, localization and navigation
ENACECEOEnvironmental Computational Science and Earth ObservationTuia, DevisEarth observation: satellite remote sensing / drones image processing. Environmental science: nature conservation / land use change / climate. Computer vision, machine learning: segmentation / detection / hybrid models / interpretable AI / human machine interaction
ENACESOEnvironmental Sensing ObservatorySkaloud, Jansatellite positioning, inertial and integrated navigation, sensor orientation and calibration, attitude determination Mobile mapping, airborne laser scanning, sdjustment methods, kalman filtering
ENACIMOSIntelligent Maintenance and Operations SystemsFink, Olgadomain adaptation and generalization, physics-informed machine learning, (physics-informed) graph neural networks, AI for engineering, self-supervised learning
ENACLMDData-Driven MechanicsKarapiperis, Konstantinosmechanics, multiscale modeling, data science, machine learning
ENACTRANSP-ORTransportation and Mobility LaboratoryBierlaire, Micheltransport and mobility, discrete choice, optimization
ENACVITAVisual lntelligence for TransportationAlahi, Alexandretransportation & mobility, socially-aware artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, human-robot interaction, ambient intelligence
SBCSFTStatistical Field TheoryHongler, Clémentneural networks, learning theory, probability, mathematical physics, statistical mechanics
SBDOLADynamics of Learning AlgorithmsChizat, Lénaïccontinuous optimization, deep learning theory, optimal transport
SBLIACArtificial Chemical IntelligenceSchwaller, Philippe chemistry, large language models, accelerated science/discovery
STIBIOROBBioroboticsIjspeert, Aukelocomotion, robotics, computational neuroscience, machine learning, nonlinear dynamical systems 
STIESLEmbedded SystemsAtienza, Davidembedded systems, thermal management, HW/SW codesign, edge AI, Internet of Things, low-power hardware and software co-design
STIINLIntegrated NeurotechnologiesShoaran, Mahsaneural interfaces, low-power integrated circuits, edge AI, neurotechnology, neural signal processing and machine learning, brain-machine interfaces
STILBENNanoscale BiologyRadenovic, Aleksandra bioengineering, single-molecule, biophysics, nanofluidics, single molecule biophysics
STILIBBiomedical ImagingUnser, Michaël image processing, medical imaging, biological imaging, wavelets, splines, multiresolution
STILIDIAPL’IDIAP LaboratoryCavallaro, Andreamachine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, audio processing, robot perception, privacy
STILIDIAPL’IDIAP LaboratoryGatica-Perez, Danielsocial computing, ubiquitous computing, social media, crowdsourcing, multimedia
STILIDIAPL’IDIAP LaboratoryOdobez, Jean-Marchuman activity, multi-modal data, detection, tracking, pose, non-verbal behaviors, temporal interpretation, algorithms, computer vision, machine learning, deep learning
STILIONSInformation and Inference SystemsCevher, Volkanmachine learning, optimization, learning theory, reinforcement learning, foundation models, inference systems
STILISIntelligent SystemsFloreano, Darioaerial robots, evolutionary robots, soft robots, wearable robots, bio-inspired robots, bio-inspired artificial intelligence
STILMAMMovement Analysis and MeasurementAminian, Kamiarmonitoring and analyzing human motion in real-world conditions, development of wearable systems and algorithms based on body-worn sensors
STILPDIProtein Design and ImmunoengineeringCorreia, Brunoprotein engineering, computational design, immunoengineering, synthetic biology
STILTS2Signal Processing 2Vandergheynst, Pierredata science, machine learning, computational harmonic analysis, inverse problems, compressive sensing, computer vision
STILTS5Signal Processing 5Thiran, Jean-Philippeimage analysis, computer vision, multimodal signal/image processing, pattern recognition, medical imaging
STIMIPLABMedical Image ProcessingVan De Ville, Dimitriimage processing, neurosciences, medical imaging, brain function, graph signal processing
STIMMSPGMultimedia Signal ProcessingEbrahimi, Touradjstill, moving, and 3D image processing and coding, visual information security (rights protection, watermarking, authentication, data integrity, steganography), new media, and human computer interfaces (smart vision, brain computer interface)
STIREACTInteraction SystemsGillet, Denisweb-based interaction systems, human-computer interaction, human-device interaction, cyber physical systems, explainable AI
STISYCAMORESystems Control and Multiagent OptimizationKamgarpour, Maryamstochastic optimization and control, multi-agent learning, reinforcement learning, online learning, mixed integer optimization
STITCLTelecommunications CircuitsBurg, AndreasVLSI design, wireless communication, signal processing systems, embedded systems
SVLBMBiomolecular ModellingDal Peraro, Matteomachine learning models for biomolecular modeling and design, protein and RNA design, antimicrobial resistance, nanopore sensing, structural biology
SVLSENSSensory ProcessingPetersen, Carlneuroscience, neuronal coding, reward-based learning, sensory processing, decision making, motor control, recurrent spiking neural networks
SVUPLAMANNOBrain Development and Biological Data ScienceLa Manno, Gioeledevelopmental biology, bioinformatics, neuroscience, statistical modeling, technology development
SVUPAMATHISComputational Neuroscience & AIMathis, Alexandercomputational/theoretical neuroscience, models of biological systems, learning, computer vision, machine learning, artificial intelligence, behavior 
SVUPBARTHProtein and Cell EngineeringBarth, Patrickprotein structure, protein design, protein folding, computational biophysics, membrane proteins
SVUPMWMATHISAdaptive Motor ControlMathis, Mackenzie representation learning, computer vision, computational neuroscience, pose estimation, animal behavior, machine learning, neural data analysis
SVUPNAEComputational and Systems BiologyNaef, Felixsystems biology, circadian rhythms, quantitative biology, transcription, gene regulation
SVRAMDYA LABNeuroengineeringRamdya, Pavanneuroscience, behavior, robotics, evolution
SchoolURLCenterSupervisorResearch Interests
ICSCALAScala CenterOdersky, Martinscala developers, productivity, tooling, compiler engineering, platform maintenance, community support
ENT-RCEDECenter for Digital EducationJermann, Patrickinteraction analysis, research methods, statistical methods, prototyping, software development, pedagogical design
ENT-RIMAGING-GECenter for ImagingAndò, Edwardcomputational imaging, image analysis, computer vision, deep learning, optics
ENT-RCIBM-AITAnimal Imaging and TechnologyVan De Ville, Dimitribiomedical imaging for the advancement of science, health, medicine and technology
ENT-RSDSC-GESwiss Data Science CenterBouillet, Ericbig data systems, data stream processing applications, optical network design, capacity planning, optimization research
ENT-RSDSC-GESwiss Data Science CenterObozinski, Guillaumestatistics, machine learning, sparse modeling, optimization, large-scale learning, graphical models, relational learning, semantic embeddings, computational biology, computer vision
ENT-RSDSC-GESwiss Data Science CenterVerscheure, Olivier large-scale data science, multimodal data fusion and integration, frugal machine learning, explainable AI and interpretability