
Install Bazaar on client

See :


Debian Sarge

Add (as root) to /etc/apt/sources.list

 #bzr #deb ./ deb file:///home/sradio/Programmes/BzrDeb ./

Exec (as root):

 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install bzr bzrtools python-elementtree graphviz cd /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/paramiko/ . sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Crypto/ .

Ubuntu feisty


 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install bzr bzrtools python-elementtree graphviz python-paramiko


Identity Exec (as user):

 bzr whoami 'Your Name <[email protected]>'

The result (~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf) should be:

 [[DEFAULT]] email=Your Name <[email protected]>

Set the content of the file ~/.bazaar/ignore to:

 *.a *.o *.py[[co]] *.so *.sw[[nop]] *~ .#* [[#]]*# *.bak *.log *.waux *.aux .dep .ld.vers .parsed_files msr_config_init.h msr_params_define.h msr_config_init_rcv.h msr_config_init_send.h msr_params_define_rcv.h msr_params_define_send.h .cdtproject .project .settings *.class .classpath bin dbg moc obj Tools/Banner/banner Tools/Camdevice/Makefile Tools/Dbg/Makefile Tools/FifoCmd/Makefile Tools/PlayRadar/Makefile Tools/PlayRadar/playradar Tools/Server/cmd Tools/Server/result Tools/Server/server Tools/User/main Tools/Visualize/Makefile Tools/Visualize/visualize Tools/qwt-4.2.0rc1/Makefile Tools/qwt-4.2.0rc1/lib *.dat .showdir Makefile.BASE Makefile.OTHER Makefile.THIS

Create own Bazaar branch

In labs as sradio

 su sradio cd ~ bzr branch /home/sradio/bzr/SRadio_Main/ SRadio.//branchname//

On working station

 cd ~ bzr branch sftp://[email protected]/home/sradio/SRadio.//branchename// SRadio.//branchname// cd SRadio.//branchname//

Work with Bazaar

Used syntax

 [optional] //to be fill//


Give help

 bzr help

Give help of a command

 bzr help //commandname//

Give all available commands

 bzr help commands

Working in local branch

Add all new files

 bzr add

Add a file

 bzr add //filename//

Shows the difference in the working tree versus the last commit

 bzr diff

Summarize changes in working copy

 bzr status

Commit (local) all changes (include remove files)

 bzr commit -m '//message//'

Temporarily set aside some changes from the current tree. (see: bzr help shelve)

 bzr shelve [[//filename//]]

Inter branch working

Commit changes the the server (one of below)

 bzr push sftp://[email protected]/home/sradio/SRadio.//branchname// bzr push sftp://[email protected]/home/sradio/SRadio.//branchname// --remember bzr push

Update from the server (one of below)

 bzr pull sftp://[email protected]/home/sradio/SRadio.//branchname// bzr pull sftp://[email protected]/home/sradio/SRadio.//branchname// --remember bzr pull

Update (needed after pull)

 bzr update

Merge two branches

 bzr merge //branchfrom// # resolve conflict ... bzr commit -m 'merge from //branchname**


Show history of changes

 bzr log

Differences between revision

 bzr diff -r//revisionnb1//..//revisionnb2//

Create a project

 bzr init-repo [[//path//]] bzr init [[//path//]]

Create Bazaar repository

 su cd /home/sradio mkdir bzr cd bzr bzr init-repo --trees mkdir SRadio_Main cd SRadio_Main/ bzr init . cvs -d /home/sradio/cvs co -r Branch_Linus SRadio  find $1 \( -name CVS \) -exec rmdir {} \; find $1 \( -name CVS \) -exec rm -rf {} \;  mv SRadio/* . rmdir SRadio/  bzr add bzr commit -m "from CVS"  rm Documentation/Reports/NCCR/04/report_nccr_04.tex~ Documentation/Reports/NCCR/04/report_nccr_04~   cd Documentation/Reports/NCCR/04 bzr remove ics-rf.fig.bak report_nccr_04.aux report_nccr_04.backup report_nccr_04.log report_nccr_04.tex.backup report_nccr_04.waux   bzr commit -m "remove unneeded" rm ics-rf.fig.bak report_nccr_04.aux report_nccr_04.backup report_nccr_04.log report_nccr_04.tex.backup report_nccr_04.waux cd ../../../..  rm ./Documentation/Articles/LJ/overview.fig.bak ./Documentation/Articles/LJ/rf_if_bb.fig.bak ./Documentation/Articles/LJ/sr_architecture.fig.bak bzr commit -m "remove unneeded"  chmod 777 ..


Some external link