Former Doctoral school projects


Compression with Graphical Constraints: An Interactive Browser

In this work we consider the problem of searching in a database of objects with different popularities. Contrary to traditional databases, users do not submit queries that are subsequently matched to objects. Instead, a search for a target object is conducted in several phases. In each phase, a user is presented with a list of database objects. The user selects from this list the object that is most similar to the target she wishes to find. A new list is then presented to the user, and the above process is repeated. When the target item is among the items presented to the user, she retrieves this item and the search terminates…

Correlation Decay for LDPC Codes

Low Density Parity Check Codes nowadays form a basic paradigm of error correcting codes on graphs. The underlying graphical structure induces a distance between two bits in a codeword. An important question concerns the behavior of the correlation (or covariance) between pairs of bits as a function of the graph distance. An answer to this problem would have applications in a number of other situations…

Error exponents and statistical mechanics

There are various performance measures for a code. An important one is given by the error exponents, which give the exponential speed of decay of the error probability for transmission rates below the channel capacity. These exponents are known for Shannon’s random code ensemble but beyond that, there still remains many open questions, specially at low rate…

Wireless Keyboard & Mouse/Trackpad App for iOS

The goal of this project is to develop an iOS app (for iPad/iPhone) which acts as a remote keyboard and trackpad for a laptop. For connecting to the laptop, the app can use either Bluetooth or WiFi. The app should use the default touch keyboard of an iPad/iPhone and add to this keyboard custom features as needed. Custom features can include for example gestures, special keys (CTRL, Command, Shift), interactions with the mouse, etc…