Meet EPFL representatives

In Switzerland
If you are interested in a Bachelor’s study program at EPFL, we strongly encourage you to attend our Information days, organized each year on EPFL’s campus in Lausanne. You also have the opportunity to meet students or EPFL representatives at other events or information sessions, according to the lists below.
- Sportech, Tenero (TI), January
- Maturierenden-Messe, Bern (BE), March
- ETH Zürich Besuchstage, Zürich (ZH), September
- ZEBI-Studienmesse, Luzern (LU), November
- Ask! Studienmesse, Baden (AG), November
- EPFL Information days, Lausanne (VD), 20-22.11.24
- Journée de présentation, Collège Calvin (GE), November
- Journées d’information universitaire, Lycée cantonal de Porrentruy (JU), November
- Forum Formation, Sierre (VS), February
- Forum Bildung, Siders (VS), February
- Forum Horizon, UNIL, Lausanne (VD), February
- OrientaTI, Lugano (TI), February
- Perspectiva, UNIFR, Fribourg (FR), February
- Info-Abend, Universität Basel (BS), March
- Gymnasium Muttenz (BL), September
- Kantonsschule Solothurn (SO), November
- Gymnasium Hofwil (BE), November
- Gymnasium Lerbermatt (BE), November
- Gymnasium Oberwil (BL), January
- Gymnasium Thun (BE), January
- Gymnasium Biel-Seeland (BE), January
- Gymnasium Neufeld (BE), January
- Gymnasium Burgdorf (BE), February
- Gymnasium Kirchenfeld (BE), March
- Re-Member Meets Talents, KS Kreuzlingen (TG), May
- Forum des Unis, Gymnase français de Bienne (BE), June
- Salon interjurassien de la formation, Delémont (JU), 23-27.03.22
- BEA Messe, Bern (BE), 29.04-08.05.22

Information days
Every year, EPFL welcomes you on its campus for this key event. Come and discover the School’s study programs, its student community, teaching staff and research teams, all the services available to new students, as well as the numerous associations in charge of social and cultural life on campus.

Individual exchange with EPFL students
You can sign up for a one-on-one exchange with students. Based on your profile (interests, background, language), we will put you in direct contact with the appropriate person.
Anmeldung auf Deutsch / Iscrizione in italiano

Students’ stories
Watch videos featuring EPFL Bachelor’s and Master’s students, who are presenting not only their study programs but also their everyday lives and their experiences on campus.
If you have any questions, please contact the Education Outreach Department:
Centre Midi – CM2 348
Station 10
CH – 1015 Lausanne