Education Outreach Department (SPE)

Our mission
Accompanying our various audiences in their curriculum choices requires coordinated actions throughout their education, enabling them to make an informed choice and start their studies in the best possible conditions.
Some future students are motivated by their ambition to take up the scientific challenges that our society faces; others follow their will to achieve a study program that will open up new horizons; some more are driven by science as an intrinsic interest. Whichever motivation these young people show, we commit ourselves to ensure that all of them benefit from quality teaching and opportunities to immerse themselves early in the world of research, expand their network and acquire cross-disciplinary skills.
Therefore, we act at various levels, in order for students to benefit from innovative education and be sensitized to different scientific and technical topics, as well as topics related to diversity, leadership and scientific communication. In parallel, we make sure that they have a good understanding of the study programs that are offered at EPFL and the career opportunities that exist in ever more interdisciplinary fields.

Interface with schools and institutions
Through various internal and external collaborations, the Interface with schools and institutions, managed by the Education Outreach Department, works to strengthen the dialogue with schools as well as the educational guidance services, in order to facilitate the transition to studies at EPFL.

Study programs promotion
By reaching out to prospective students, the Education Outreach Department’s main mission is to ensure the visibility of EPFL study programs, consolidate their positioning and communicate on the range of opportunities that contribute to the richness and quality of the curricula offered.

International outreach
In order to offer EPFL students a wide choice of study destinations abroad and enable students from partner institutions to come to EPFL, the Education Outreach Department is committed to establishing exchange and double degree partnerships, strengthening its international networks and sharing best practices.
Please contact us should you have any questions or require further information:
Centre Midi – CM2 348
Station 10
CH – 1015 Lausanne