A world class university

Interdisciplinary Teaching & Research
The doctoral program in Management of Technology (EDMT) pools the resources of a variety of research units across EPFL’s faculties and colleges, including engineering, mathematics, financial engineering, and economics. This brings researchers from many fields together on the Management of Technology.
During their first year, doctoral students must take 8 of the total program requirement of 30 course credits. Students can take advantage of the offerings across EPFL, the University of Lausanne, and special courses such as the joint «Swiss Program for Beginning Doctoral Students in Economics» at the Gerzensee Study Center. Starting 2015, the EDMT program offers as well a course on Economics of Innovation, part of the Euro Tech Initiative.
Affiliated labs
Economics & Technology Policy | |
Prof. Claudia Binder | Human Environment Relations in Urban Systems |
Prof. Damir Filipovic | Quantitative Finance |
Prof. Gaetan de Rassenfosse | Innovation and IP Policy |
Prof. Frédéric Kaplan | Digital Humanities Lab |
Prof. Semyon Malamud | Financial Economics & Mathematical Finance |
Innovation & Entrepreneurship | |
Prof. Pierre Dillenbourg | Computer-supported collaborative learning |
Prof. Marc Gruber | Entrepreneurship and Technology Commercialization |
Operations Management & Strategy | |
Prof. Boi Faltings | Artificial Intelligence |
Prof. Negar Kiyavash | Business Analytics |
Prof. Daniel Kuhn | Risk Analytics and Optimization |
Prof. Ralf Seifert | Technology and Operations Management |
Prof. Thomas Weber | Operations, Economics and Strategy |