EPFL Assembly

Your voice within the School

The EPFL Assembly (AE) ensures the proper functioning of the faculty councils and the smooth running of the consultations organized by the EPFL Management.
Composed of 16 members representing the four bodies of the School, it submits proposals to the management. It also decides on the annual activity report of the President of the School.
As a joint body, the AE has the right to make proposals on all normative acts of the ETH Board, on the budget and planning, on the creation or deletion of teaching and research units and on participation structures.

The EPFL Assembly (AE) is responsible for appointing employee representatives to the joint body of the ETH Domain’s pension fund.
To this end, the School Assembly organizes the election of these representatives.

Séance de travail de l'Assemblée d'École. Plusieurs personnes assises autour d'une table en U

We represent you

AE has sixteen members. Discover the people who represent you in the EPFL management and Council.

Assemblée d'École, schéma de participation et consultation

Missions and actions

AE has an official and privileged place within EPFL. It is the guarantor of the representativeness of the bodies and the participation.

Une série de livres reliés avec des anneaux, empilés les uns sur les autres

Consultations and elections

Access the consultation calendar as well as the elections of the members of the body (restricted access).


Agendas and minutes of EPFL Assembly meetings.

Activity reports

The activity reports of the EPFL Assembly are available in pdf format.

Latest news


[email protected]

AAC 0 02
Station 1
CH-1015 Lausanne

President AE
Arnaud Magrez
[email protected]

PH D2 391 (Bâtiment PH)
Station 3
1015 Lausanne

+41 21 69 37656

Access map