Technical staff

The “Practical Physics Work” are the students’ experimental laboratories: 55 general physics experiments (2nd year), 35 experiments (3rd year, research facilities).

Mechanical workshop, various equipment and preparation. Metrology assistant

Antonio Gentile

Electronics, computers, miscellaneous equipment and preparation. Metrology assistant

Nicolas Turin

Lecturer in metrology and TP2 / TP3

Iva Tkalcec-Vâju

Lecturers TP3

A. Magrez et D. Oberli

Head of department and lecturer in metrology

Daniele Mari

Physics labs

travaux pratiques (French Only)

Livephysics Channel

Metrology Course


The “Physics Demonstrations” service means several hundred demonstration experiments of physical phenomena available to illustrate the lectures given mainly in the CE1, CE3 and CE4 audiences. The task of the preparers is the technical realisation of new experiments proposed by the teachers, the maintenance and improvement of existing experiments, the assembly and disassembly of experiments ordered for the lessons.

Physics audience preparers

Pierre Wets
Didier Klopfenstein
Julien Burnens

Audiweb site:

E-mail:   [email protected]

Auditoires de physique

Physics Demonstrations People

The drawings of the site were made by Adrien Miqueu.

web site / instagram