Master in Nuclear Engineering

Why study Nuclear Engineering at EPFL ?
Small program (around 20 students/year) with intensive contact and close supervision by professors and teaching/research staff.
Good job prospects with a long-term perspective in Switzerland (plant operation past 2040 !), and worldwide.
Exciting research opportunities (e.g. continuation with a PhD) at EPFL, ETHZ and PSI, e.g. on new reactor types.
Large needs in nuclear competence in long-term operation, decommissioning, waste disposal, but also in non-power generation areas.
Nuclear Master degree from two of Europe’s top schools.
The possibility of receiving the European Nuclear Master degree.
The Nuclear Engineering (NE) Master’s program confers the title “Master of Science EPF-ETH in Nuclear Engineering“, granted jointly by the EPF Lausanne and the ETH Zurich.
Scope of teaching
· Neutron and reactor physics including experiments on a nuclear teaching reactor
· Power plant technology and safety, novel reactor concepts
· Innovative materials and nuclear fuels
· Nuclear power as an integral part of a sustainable energy supply
· Fusion technology
· Non-energetic nuclear applications in medicine and technology
· Decommissioning
Students enroll either at EPFL or at ETHZ. A minimum of 120 ECTS credits (4 semesters) must be acquired in order to receive a Master’s degree. A tutor helps define a curriculum for each student, structured and weighted as follows:
· Courses (74 cp ECTS: 54 cp compulsory + 20 cp elective)
· Semester project (8 cp ECTS)
· Industrial internship, 12 weeks (8 cp ECTS)
· Master’s thesis in research or industrial environment (30 cp ECTS)
The teaching language is English. Students spend the first semester at EPFL, the second at ETHZ, and the third at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI).
Présentation Master en Génie nucléaire – novembre 2024