Rules and Regulations For Faculty Members

This directive determines the principles and rules concerning the protection of the interests of employees, EPFL and third parties, particularly within the framework of interactions with industry, the economy and other institutions.
The following documents are related to the directive 4.1.1
Annex 1
Annex 2a
Annex 2b
Full, Associate and Assistant Professors may submit their annual disclosure of outside activities through the online platform. Should you have any questions, please contact Faculty Affairs  ([email protected]).

Link to the LEX

This ordinance is the principal text determining the different titles of faculty members, their rights, duties and tasks. It also determines the principles applicable concerning remuneration and allowances.

Link to the translation of the ordinance

(English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only, has no legal force and may not be relied on in legal proceedings. The official text can be found here

These rules are particularly important since they concern future academic careers. They define in particular the selection criteria applicable to tenure track assistant professors (PATT).

Link to the LEX

Due to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the present rules and regulations aim to implement an exceptional extension to the deadlines regarding mid-term reviews and the submission of applications as provided for in the Rules and Regulations Concerning EPFL Tenure-Track Assistant Professors of 4th May 2004 (LEX 4.2.1), as well as other suitable arrangements relating to Tenure-Track Assistant Professors.

Link to the LEX

These rules specify the process of the appointment of an associate professor to the post of full professor and the evaluation criteria.

Link to the LEX

The strict rules applicable to the buyback facilities concerning faculty pension funds contribute directly to the attractiveness and competitiveness of EPFL on a worldwide level.

Link to the LEX

Research leave, more commonly known as sabbatical leave, allows faculty members to supplement their knowledge or acquire new skills necessary in their teaching and research field or in a new domain that has been allocated to them.

Link to the LEX

Visiting professors, who generally come from abroad, are entitled to special conditions regarding work and allowances.

Link to the LEX

This document stipulates EPFL policy concerning professors emeritus, especially with regard to specific activities, remuneration, workplaces, facilities, secretarial services, management of mandates and subsidies, and participation in congresses. It also states the obligations of the professor emeritus.

Link to the LEX

This Directive governs the evaluation process and criteria as well as the general terms and conditions for the appointment of professors who remain in their post beyond the legal retirement age.

Link to the LEX

The aim of this directive is to specify the academic level and promote the career and professional mobility of scientists. EPFL therefore defines academic titles corresponding to different levels, establishing the process for the awarding of these titles. It deals with academic titles only. It does not deal with the function or employment conditions of scientists.

Link to the LEX