Moving to Switzerland

Cost of living

On this page, you’ll find all the information you need about the cost of living in Switzerland, from accommodation to insurance and day-to-day living.

Health insurance

Health insurance is compulsory for everyone living in Switzerland. On this page you will find all the information you need on this subject (premiums, supplementary benefits, taking out health insurance, etc.).

Driving license

You can find all the information you need about exchanging your foreign driving licence for a Swiss document on the Vehicle Licensing Department website.

Public transportation

To encourage the use of public transport, the EPFL offers its staff a number of discounts on national public transport season tickets.

Going out & cultural life

Here you’ll find a range of links to cultural events in your region, whether you’re looking for an evening at the theatre or just a night out at the restaurant.

Summer & winter activities

Here you’ll find a list of the different activities available during the summer and winter seasons to help you make the most of what Switzerland has to offer.

Switzerland – Easy answers about life in Switzerland

The portal is an information platform provided by the Swiss authorities. In just a few clicks, you will find straightforward answers in five languages to questions that many of you ask the authorities.

Switzerland from A to Z

If you’re interested in understanding how Switzerland works at federal and political level, as well as its history, you’ll find on this page the brochure entitled “The Swiss Confederation, a brief guide”, which explains it all very clearly!