Family and work-life
Balancing work and personal/family life. On this page you will find information about pregnancy, maternity, paternity, breastfeeding, children and teenagers as well as the Dual Career Program @EPFL.

If you have any questions regarding visas or coming to Switzerland, please contact [email protected].

Pension fund (professors)
For further information on the subject, please contact Mr Matteo Galli on +41.21.693.73.62 or Ms Nathalie Boder on +41.21.693.70.56.

Moving to Switzerland
In this section, you’ll find a range of information about moving to and living in Switzerland.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Financial/tax issues
Managing the financial/tax affairs while living in Switzerland can be complex in many ways for people from abroad, and especially for those with ties to the United States. If you need help with this or other aspects of your personal finances, please contact [email protected] for a list of useful contacts and links.