Campus notice boards

Poster authorization
Posters or stickers may only be displayed on campus on the notice boards and only for the events, persons or bodies listed below:
- for EPFL or UNIL events and events
- for PESE – Pôle des Evénements Sportifs Etudiants;
- for LUC – Lausanne Universités Clubs;
- for organisations recognised by one of the two institutions and including the corresponding logo
UNIL associations wishing to post on our site must go through the FAE (021 692 25 91 or [email protected]).
Any distribution of leaflets or collection of signatures must be requested from MEDIACOM EVENEMENTS by email at least 10 days in advance: [email protected].
Authorized Logos

Good posting practice
- Use A3 paper as much as possible
- Use bodybuilder’s tape
- Do not post on other posters/outside the frame
- Only one identical poster per display panel
Report a non-compliant poster
When you find a poster on the EPFL campus that does not comply with the guidelines, please return it to the EPFL reception desk at the Rolex Learning Center (opening hours: 08:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday) or send it by email to [email protected].
L’Intendance – Concierge Service removes the posters every 1st working day of the month:
- to ensure maintenance
- to avoid having walls covered with posters.
All posters, except for the signs, are removed on campus.
The company ISS is in charge of the dismantling.
Promotion and commercial actions
Any advertising on campus for promotional offers aimed at students or collaborators is strictly prohibited.
Any leaflet distribution and signature collections must be requested from Mediacom Events: [email protected]