Master project

To start the master project, a successful completion of the Master’s cycle is mandatory (or the conditional admission to the Master’s project) after the exam session (first Monday of the spring semester for the winter semester, and last Monday of July for the summer semester).
Possible starting dates:
- Spring semester: between January 1 and May 31
- Fall semester: between June 1 and December 31
A PDM should start on a Monday, and be submitted on the Friday at noon.
- PDM in a lab at EPFL: It lasts 18 weeks
- PDM in another university: It lasts 18 to 26 weeks, you need to find an EPFL professor to co-supervise your project.
- If your PDM will take place in one of our partner universities, you can apply for a grant, check with the EPFL mobility office
- PDM in the industry: It lasts 18 to 26 weeks, you need to find an EPFL professor to co-supervise your project. You can go here for more information.
- All administrative details of your master project in industry have to be settled between the employer and the professor supervising your work. A special Master project agreement can be signed on request by the supervising professor or the partner company.
- PDM in a lab at EPFL: You can find a project in a lab among the proposed labs list, This list is not exhaustive, you can contact directly the labs of your interest ans submit your choice to SNX
- PDM in the industry: You can start by contacting professors actives in the field of your interest to ask for their current industrial projects, otherwise, you can use the IS-Academia internship portal. In this case, it is mandatory to find a professor willing to supervise you before you accept the offer from the company.
- Complete and sign the document Master Project validation form.
- Send the form to SNX
- Enroll in IS-Academia as soon as the Registrar’s office indicates by email that the students can register to the courses and projects, latest 2 weeks after the start of the semester. (academic calendar)
- If the project is confidential, tick the confidential box on your IS-Academia page, your professor will be asked to confirm this information.
- You must send the electronic pdf version of your master thesis by email to SNX and the academic supervisor on the due date indicated in IS-Academia before noon. Use web transfer if the file size is too large for email.
- Any change to the title of the Master project must be submitted to SNX latest on the day of the exam. The title is mentioned on the student’s diploma supplement.
- The oral exam generally takes place within two to four weeks after the date of submission. The date of the oral exam is mutually agreed between the student, the teacher in charge and the external expert.
- In order for the student to obtain his or her Master’s degree at the graduation ceremony (Magistrale) of the current year (held in early October), the Registrar’s Office must have received his or her grade before the end of September.
For further information about the EPFL rules regarding master thesis, you can refer to this official website:
Bertarelli Fellowship
EPFL Master students have the opportunity to apply for this fellowship allowing them to carry out their Master project within an HMS-affiliated laboratory. Bertarelli Fellowships, which comprise an allowance of up to 30’000 USD for travel and living expenses in Boston, MA (USA), are awarded on a competitive basis to up to 5 students each academic year since 2011. Since the academic year 2015-2016, this Program is open not only to students in Life Science and Technology and in Bioengineering, but also to students in Basic, Engineering and Computer Sciences. Neuro-X students are eligible to apply. For more information please refer to this webpage.
Karl Zeno Fellowship
It is a foundation aiming to support, encourage and develop cutting-edge research in the fields of engineering, Environmental Engineering, Medieval and Digital Humanities studies by granting subsidies and scholarships to researchers and academics that devote themselves to fore-mentioned fields of research. For more information please refer to their website.
EPFL has several prizes that are attributed each year to exceptional master thesis.
The professor decides to recommends the student to apply for one of these prizes at the end of the oral defense. It is up to the student to follow the described application procedure.
One them is focused in the field of neurorehabilitation:
Intended to reward the best master project in Neuro-X or from another section, demonstrating excellence and contributing to the advancement of scientific or technical research in the field of neurorehabilitation.