Contact the DHI Team DH Institute Director Frédéric KaplanAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 02 53INN 141 DH Section Director Daniel Gatica-PerezAdjunct Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 19 51 DH Section Deputy Kathleen CollinsDeputy of Section[email protected]+41 21 693 64 27INN 137 DHI Team Irene BianchiScientific Assistant[email protected]+41 21 693 32 93CM 1 468Huishu DengExternal EmployeeIsabella Di LenardoLecturer[email protected]+41 21 693 35 22CM 1 468Simona FerrarProject Officer[email protected]+41 21 693 27 63GC D2 383Florence Graezer BideauAdjunct Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 02 36CM 2 270Isabelle HügliAdministrative Specialist[email protected]+41 21 693 05 60CM 2 267Nicolas Mermoud-GhraichySystem specialist[email protected]+41 21 693 84 62CM 1 468Rémi Guillaume PetitpierreDoctoral Assistant[email protected]+41 21 693 84 92CM 1 468Hamest TamrazyanScientist[email protected]+41 21 693 60 80INN 116Cédric ViaccozScientific Assistant[email protected]+41 21 693 83 82CM 1 468Mengke ZhangDoctoral Assistant[email protected]+41 21 693 16 25GC D2 384 DH Faculty Martin Alois RohrmeierAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 23 18INN 136Mathieu SalzmannSenior Scientist[email protected]+41 21 693 81 92INN 238Robert WestAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 35 36INN 310Daniel Gatica-PerezAdjunct Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 19 51Frédéric KaplanAssociate Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 02 53INN 141Sarah Irene Brutton KenderdineFull Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 48 60JORD 1 121Jérôme BaudryTenure Track Assistant Professor[email protected]+41 21 693 75 99INN 139Nicolas HenchozDirector[email protected]+41 21 693 08 02ECAL 1 20.06