Jérôme Berthier
CEO & Founder, Deeplink

Loïse Bilat
Maîtresse d’enseignement, HEP Fribourg

Marco Boccio
Tech Lead, Largo Films SA

Sally Bushell
Professor of Romantic and Victorian Literature, Lancaster University

Martin Charrière
Director & Animator, DNA Studios

Agathe Chevalier
Universities of Western Switzerland – RTS

Céline Demonsant
EPFL “CompaSciences”

Nathalie Dietschy
Professeure assistante en Histoire de l’art à la Faculté des lettres, UNIL

Jon-Paul Dyson
Director of the International Center for the History of Electronic Games and Vice President for Exhibits Strong National Museum of Play

Jenny Ebermann
Executive Director, Wikimedia Switzerland

Maud Ehrmann
Research Scientist, EPFL

Alex Fedosseev
Director & Founder 1World Swiss and Chairman of the Board, DCM Swiss

Cédric Gaudin
President of the association Les Amis du Musée Bolo

Jeremy Gilbert
Professor, Knight Chair in Digital Media Strategy, Northwestern University

Olivier Glassey
Director, Musée de la main UNIL-CHUV

Frederic Kaplan
Director, EPFL Digital Humanities Institute

Sarah Kenderdine
Director and Curator, EPFL Pavilions

Mounir Krichane
Director, Initiative for Media Innovation (IMI)

Selim Krichane
Scientific Collaborator, EPFL

Victor Kristof
Founder & CEO, DemoSquare

Marc Lavallee
Director/Journalism Technology Product and Strategy, Knight Foundation

Gaetano Manzo
Applied Machine Learning Post-Doc Researcher, HES-SO (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland)

James Newman
Research Professor and University Teaching Fellow, Bath Spa University

Anne Claire Nicole
Project Officer, Centre for Learning Science, EPFL

Souraya Noujaim
Scientific, Curatorial And Collections Management Director, Louvre Abu Dhabi

Pierluigi Christophe Orunesu
Founder | CEO, Cybel’Art Ltd – The Metaverse Agency

Michael Piotrowski
Associate professor of digital humanities, Faculty of Arts · Department of Language and Information Sciences · University of Lausanne

Yannick Rochat
Assistant Professor in Video Game Studies, University of Lausanne

Martin Rohrmeier
Professor, College of Humanities – Head, Digital and Cognitive Musicology Laboratory (DCML)

Matteo Romanello
Ambizione SNSF Lecturer, Faculty of Arts – Institute of Archeology and Classical Studies, UNIL

Margarida Romero
Full Professor, Learning, INnovation and Education (LINE) lab, Université Côte d’Azur

Anthony D. Sahakian
CEO, Quantum Integrity S.A.

Adam Scholefield
Co-Founder, We Play Sport

Jason Scott
Free Range Archivist and Software Curator, Internet Archive

Melanie Swalwell
Professor Digital Media Heritage, Swinburne University of Technology

Denise Tonella
Director, Swiss National Museum

Muriel Tramis
Ingénieure-conceptrice de jeux vidéo éducatifs et culturels

André Tricot
Professor of Cognitive Psychology, Psychology Lab. Epsylon, University Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France

François Valloton
Professor of Contemporary History, UNIL

Simone Verde
Director, Complesso Monumentale della Pilotta

Madeleine von Holzen
Editor-in-Chief, Le Temps

Giorgio Zanetti
Vice Rector “Teaching”, UNIL

Julia Zolotarenko
Director and Founder, DCM Swiss – Digital Content Marketplace