EPFL CDH AiR Program 2024

The Artist-in-Residence (AiR) program of EPFL’s College of Humanities is pleased to announce Alice Bucknell (USA), Sahej Rahal (IN), Matthew C. Wilson & Emilia Tapprest (USA/NL), and Josua Putzke (DE) as the  artists selected for the 2024-25 call of Enter the Hyper-Scientific.

The CDH AiR program Enter the Hyper-Scientific was launched in its first international edition in Fall 2021, with the goal of fostering transdisciplinary encounters between artists and EPFL’s scientific community. The program offers three-month residencies where artists work in collaboration with different laboratories on the EPFL campus, developing interdisciplinary projects and conducting research to create innovative works, which are then presented in public exhibitions at EPFL Pavilions.

By bringing together artists and scientists, the program aims to establish a dynamic, critical, and inspiring platform for propelling aesthetic investigations at the intersection of art, technology, science, and the humanities.

This year, four outstanding proposals were chosen out of roughly 200 applications from around the world:

  • Staring at the Sun by Alice Bucknell
  • The Entity by Sahej Rahal
  • Interspecies Interfaces by Matthew C. Wilson & Emilia Tapprest
  • The Breathing Sphere by Josua Putzke


These projects will be developed in close collaboration with EPFL labs and scientists.