Minor in Digital Humanities, Media and Society

Photo montage by Yannis Rochat
Students may supplement the knowledge acquired in their Master with knowledge from another subject area, offered as part of a minor.
A Minor is equivalent to 30 credits that must be earned during the duration of the master’s program and are taken in courses offered by another section. The 30 credits count toward the 120 credits of the Master’s degree in accordance with section regulations, and replace 30 credits in your optional courses. Please note that if you earn more than 30 credits in your Minor, the additional credits will not count towards your Master.
The Minor will be mentioned in the Diploma Supplement.
What is the minor in Digital Humanities, Media and Society ?
This Minor not only enables students to continue advancing their technical expertise in their specific fields, but also encourages them to delve further into crucial facets of our contemporary world that are interconnected with media and society.
Students will learn theory and techniques to understand and work with media, heritage, and culture, as well as principles and techniques to design and build systems for – and interacting with – people. The coursework will allow students to have impact on creative & cultural industries, and the media industry in particular, as well as many sectors of the industry for which user experience and user interaction are key.
Career Prospects
The goal of the minor is to open doors to creative and cultural industries including the media industry. For example, students can find employment in media companies, in the gaming industry, in museums, in public or private archives, in the music industry.
The link to people is a key factor of this minor, i.e., to understand how people produce data, what happens to human-generated data processed with algorithms and what to do about it, like detecting possible biases, etc.
This essential grasp of the human component opens doors to industries where understanding people and therefore user experience and user interaction are key. This leads to positions in companies as mentioned above, but also in insurance companies, banks, on-line commerce, NGOs and the humanitarian sector, hospitals, governmental agencies, etc.
Mention of the Minor in Digital Humanities, Media and Society
The Minor in Digital Humanities, Media and Society will be duly mentioned in the “Diploma Supplement” which is given along with the original Diploma.


The Minor in Digital Humanities, Media and Society is open to students enrolled in one of EPFL Master programs. Enrollment requires a preliminary agreement from the section of origin.

The Registration Form should be completed by the student and sent to the Digital Humanities section.
The DH Section will return the form with the Minor advisor’s signature for validation of choice of courses.
The student is requested to send the signed form to their Section of origin and must register in IS-Academia before the end of the first semester of their Master program.

Registration deadline
The deadline to register in IS-Academia is the end of the first semester of Master studies.

Any questions ?
Students who have questions regarding their choice of courses can contact the DH Minor advisor.