CDH Publications


Ukrainian Literary Imaginaries of Past after 1991: From Substitution to Restoration?

A. Dmitriev 

The Routledge Companion to Literature and Crisis; London: Routledge, 2024.

Советская городская память в юбилейных форматах [Soviet urban memory in anniversary formats (late 1930s – late 1980s of the XX century)]

A. Dmitriev 

HistoriCity: городские исследования и история современности [HistoriCity: urban research and contemporary history]; Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2024.

Intersecting trajectories: Cultural heritage policies and rural revitalisation in China

F. G. Bideau 


An Industrial West? A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Newspapers Discourses about Technology over One Hundred and Ten Years (1830-1940)

E. A. V. Denove; E. Michelet; G. Savcisens; Fernández Fernández Elena 

Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities. 2024. Vol. 2024. DOI : 10.46298/jdmdh.11741.

The state-led approach to industrial heritage in China’s mega-events: capital accumulation, urban regeneration, and heritage preservation

M. Zhang 

Built Heritage. 2024. Vol. 8, num. 1, p. 1 – 14. DOI : 10.1186/s43238-024-00144-1.

Augmenting the Panorama of the Battle of Murten with 3D Models of Cultural Artifacts

I. Serenko 


«Novye idei» i disciplinarnye tradicii: perevodcheskie i publikatorskie strategii izdatel’stva «Obrazovanie» v 1910–1920-e gody

A. Dmitriev 

KOYNE Almanach.. 2024. Vol. 2024, num. N 2..

Rhythmanalysis of Switzerland, Rethinking territorial typologies

G. Drevon; Y. Dubois; P. Rérat; V. Kaufmann; O. Klein et al. 

disP – The Planning Review. 2024. Vol. 60, num. 1, p. 21 – 36. DOI : 10.1080/02513625.2024.2376447.

Héritage, patrimoine, crise des savoirs

F. Graezer Bideau; C. Barrère; E. Eyebiyi; M. Girard 


Des héritages et des patrimoines : Critique et production des savoirs

2024. XXIIe Congrès international des sociologues de langue française (AISLF).

Deformative Signatures: Studying Cartographic Deformations as a Source of Knowledge in 19th Century Jerusalem

2024. 30th International Conference on the History of Cartography.

Christian Bessy, L’expropriation par le droit. Propriété intellectuelle, valeur et travail

J. Baudry 

OEconomia. 2024. Vol. 14-2, p. 435 – 439. DOI : 10.4000/120om.

Exploring the Dominant Discourse in Mega-events Legacy and Industrial Heritage Reuse through a Relationship Matrix

H. Roux; H. Deng 

(Industrial) Heritage, Mega-events and Urban Regeneration: Empirical Study on Discourses, Function and Spatial Experience, Torino, Italy, May 22, 2024.

AI-Driven Workflows for Unlocking Switzerland’s Collective Memory: Distant listening of the RTS Archive

2024. DARIAH Annual Event – Workflows: Digital Methods for Reproducible Research Practices in the Arts and Humanities.

S’engager et transmettre en féministe : pour une éthique du care à l’université

F. Graezer Bideau; M. Lieber 

Engagements: Penser la responsabilité de l’anthropologie avec Ellen Hertz; Neuchâtel: Éditions Alphil – Presses universitaires suisses, 2024.

Les fumées des trains à vapeur, un débordement industriel et professionnel (France, Grande-Bretagne, années 1860-1930)

A. Emile 

Sueur et poussière. Une histoire environnementale des mondes du travail, Toulouse, June 6, 2024.

Quand le Collège de France explorait le corps

I-G. Mihailescu; J. Baudry; A. Chatellier; J. Dalibard 


Implementation of a tracking system in the eM+ lab panorama

P. Madelénat; A. Lagutova 


Le destin des orangeraies de Jaffa

E. E. C. Davin-Mortier 


À bras-le-corps ! Exposer les sciences au Collège de France

J. Baudry 

Musée d’histoire des sciences, Genève, Suisse, May 29, 2024.