Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) is the world of modeling, digital simulation and computer experiments of complex problems in incredibly divers areas ranging from hemodynamics and stellar formation to design of novel materials or study of climate changes.
The Master in Computational Science and Engineering is an inter-disciplinary program which is designed to provide the students a combination of skills in areas such as high performance computing, numerical mathematics, multiscale and multi-physics modeling together with a wide range of elective application courses.
The Master in CSE is open to holders of a Bachelor in natural sciences or engineering with strong interests to combine skills in applied mathematics, computer programming and scientific and engineering applications.
Graduates will gain an outstanding combination of computer simulation, modeling and applied mathematics techniques and enhance their knowledge in chosen application area, enabling them to address tomorrow’s computational challenges in industry. The Master in CSE is also an ideal preparation for various PhD programs in Basic Sciences and Engineering
The Minor in CSE is open to all the Master student of EPFL. This aims at complementing to the education of engineers and scientists with a background in scientific computing.