The scientific advances in the theory of fusion plasmas are also possible thanks to numerical codes simulating this fascinating and complex physical domain. At SPC, a large number of numerical tools are employed, developed and upgraded.
- ANIMEC: 3D pressure anisotropic equilibrium solver
- ASTRA: 1 1/2D Transport Code
- CHEASE: fixed-boundary equilibrium
- CAXE: Ideal MHD equilibrium with X-point
- COCOS: coordinate conventions
- CO-MRE: Comprehensive Modified Rutherford Equation solver
- EPED-CH: Edge stability calculations
- GBS: global Braginskii solver, scrape-off layer dynamics
- GENE: gyrokinetic electromagnetic, 5D Vlasov, particle and heat transport
- INTERPOS: interpolation, cubic spline with tension
- KINX: Ideal MHD stability with X-point
- LEMan: linear global full wave solver
- LION: ICRF code
- MEQ suite: Matlab toolbox for free-boundary equilibrium calculations
- NTMmodule and NTM_deff: Neoclassical Tearing Mode evolution and effects on transport
- ORB5: Global gyrokinetic, particle-in-cell, ITG, TEM
- RAPTOR: RApid Plasma Transport Simulator is a 1D tokamak transport code Real-Time compatible
- SAWTEETH: sawtooth crash conditions and effects on kinetic profiles
- SCENIC: self-constistent ICRH & fast ion package
- TERPSICHORE: global ideal MHD linear stability solver
- VENUS: drift kinetic, fast ions, Runge-Kutta, Monte-Carlo, NBI