Technical job vacancies

You can find below the job vacancies at the SPC, especially for the administrative and technical support. For a PhD or a post doc, please return to the job opportunities page and click on the corresponding box.

Description Date open Date closed
IT Specialist (CFC) 15.9.21 7.10.21
Polymechanic assembler (CFC) 25.1.22 4.5.22
Electronics engineer 24.2.22 13.4.22
Control systems/software engineer 19.7.22  27.9.22
Communication specialist 27.10.22 20.12.22
HES engineer in electrical engineering 20.10.23 8.2.24
Mechanical engineer / process engineer (F/M) 19.12.23 5.2.24
Informatics Engineer / Scientist (F/M) 22.12.23