The OHS has a store carrying various safety items. These items can be ordered through our electronic catalogue, available on the Catalyse portal.
Ordered items must be picked up in the room (BS 070) during the following opening hours:
- Monday to Friday from 7h00 to 11h45 / 13h00 to 16h30
Access is from outside the building, on Rue Ami Argand. A bell is located in front of the door.
Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), such as respiratory or auditory protection, is often constraining. However, in some cases, this type of personal solution can be required when technical solutions are neither easily available nor easily implemented. The goal of this service is to help the EPFL community determine the type of PPE that is best suited to their specific working environment (from the range of models on the online safety items store, available via Catalyse, see PPE catalogue below). Generally, a visit to the user’s workplace and an assessment by occupational hygienists are necessary. In the case of respiratory protection, our team also performs a quantitative fit test to ensure that the selected mask achieves the appropriate level of protection in real working conditions.
Contact: occupational hygienists
In addition to free of cost safety glasses without correction (available on the online catalogue Catalyse), the OHS offers the possibility to every employee working in an environment where wearing safety glasses is mandatory (labs, workshops, etc.) and with an EPFL contract for the coming year to order a pair of free of cost prescription safety glasses. Four different models are available for mechanical protection (VAW21+, Harper X-Tra, Kurt) and one model (goggles) for chemical protection (Kover).
The order form must be filled in and signed by your line manager, and send by email to [email protected] for validation. Order form
Safety footwear may be ordered by contacting Mrs. Pascaline Di Maggio.
To install an eyewash station or a mural medicine cabinet, it is imperative to apply for a intervention request.
Opening hours of the safety items store:
To order safety items:
For PPE validation (respiratory and auditory protection):
To order prescription safety glasses:
Phone: 3 20 05