Where can I travel for professional or academic reasons ?


Where can I travel safely ?

In accordance with the guidelines of LEX 5.6.2 and LEX 5.6.3, we have developed an interactive map to provide clear and up-to-date information on travel restrictions related to the overall security situation. Countries are classified into three color-coded categories – green, yellow, and red – which reflect the level of authorization for professional travel. This classification is based on a risk scale, derived from a thorough risk assessment, official travel recommendations, and other relevant criteria.

This map is an essential tool for planning your travels in a safe and informed manner, allowing for rapid adaptation to changing conditions and updated guidelines.

Countries colored green are those where trips are authorised. These countries are classified by the School as having a travel risk from low (level 1/5) to high (level 3/5). Travellers are always encouraged to remain cautious and gather information before travelling.

Countries marked in yellow are classified as extreme risk (level 4/5). Travel to these countries requires an exception to be requested online to the Travel Committee before departure.

Countries highlighted in red mean that travelling there is prohibited. These are countries where the School would not recommend travel (level 5/5). Travel to these countries requires an exception to be requested online to the Travel Committee before departure. Exceptions are only possible for trips that are absolutely necessary to the unit’s missions.

Countries colored green are those where trips are authorised. These countries are classified by the School as having a travel risk from low (level 1/5) to high (level 3/5). Travellers are always encouraged to remain cautious and gather information before travelling.

Countries marked in yellow are classified as extreme risk (level 4/5). Travel to these countries is prohibited.

Countries highlighted in red mean that travelling there is prohibited. These are countries where the School would not recommend travel (level 5/5).

Traveling to a high-risk country

If you are traveling to a “high-risk” country according to our travel risk map (risk level 4 or 5), you can request a personalized assessment from us, so that you can learn what precautions you should take.

Consult our risk map to obtain information about your destination and take the necessary precautions.