The disposal of radioactive waste is subject to the Radiological Protection Law and Ordinance (LRaP, ORaP).
The treatment of radioactive waste depends on the activity and type of radioisotope. It is essential to strictly follow the decision tree available at the following link (english only):
Chemical and BSL 1 wastes containing radioisotopes
For solutions containing uranium salts from laboratories BSL 1 and BSL 2 (e.g., uranium acetate), please consult the following decision tree (english only):
EM Staining with uranium salts in BSL 1 ou BSL 2 environments
At all times, you are required to monitor and document the activity of your waste (in Bq or Ci) as it changes over time. Radioactive waste with an incomplete or incorrectly filled yellow label will not be accepted.
For disposing sealed sources, please contact the SRPO: Emanuele Ripiccini.