Admission examination

Applicants who do not hold a school-leaving certificate granting admission to the first year of the Bachelor’s programs at EPFL are allowed to register for admission examination.

  • Exam dates (scientific subjects): from January 20 to 24, 2025
  • Exam dates (general-knowledge subjects): August–September, 2025
  • Registration period: to be determined

Access the registration form (in French)

The registration tax for the admission exam is CHF 150.- for holders of a foreign school-leaving certificate,and CHF 50.- for other applicants. The exam tax is CHF 550.- for the reduced exam and CHF 800.- for the full exam (Ordonnance du Conseil des EPF sur les taxes perçues dans le domaine des EPF).

Payment is possible by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, UnionPay, Diners/Discover), PayPal, or Twint only.


1. Passing the CMS (Cours de mathématiques spéciales) is equivalent to passing the admission examination.

2. We strongly discourage applicants from taking the examination with the baccalaureate or any other secondary education as sole preparation.

3. Applicants for the exam can cancel their participation until the Monday one week before the beginning of the exam (included). After this deadline, we won’t refund the exam fee nor report the application to the following year. The cancellation will therefore count as a failure.

4. The registration tax will not be refunded in any case.

5. EPFL decides whether applicants are subject to the full or reduced admission examination (see program of the admission examination below, in French), on the basis of their school curriculums, upon analysis of their registration dossiers.

Useful resources



BP 1229 (bâtiment BP)

Station 16

CH – 1015 Lausanne

Access map