
Copyright Catherine Leutenegger
Two EU projects involve a large fraction of the Photonics labs and are run together with Swissphotonics:
a) PhotonHub Europe involves 10 EPFL professors already but will probably engage several more.
b) CARLA will organise an event on November 17-18, 2022 in collaboration with the Doctoral School in Photonics (EDPO) for all PhD students in Photonics but not only and will welcome students from all over Switzerland.
EU Projects involving several EPFL Labs and beyond

PhotonHub Europe – One-Stop-Shop Open Access to Photonics Innovation Support for a Digital Europe
PhotonHub is the largest EU project in Photonics ever involving 54 partners, 500+ experts throughout Europe. The main goal is to spread photonic technologies and have them uptaken by if possible early adopting SMEs. The project is funding international innovation projects whereas local projects should be funded locally.

CARLA – The European Photonics CAReer LAunch Path
CARLA promotes careers in Photonics through 12 Events in 10 differents countries. Our event at EPFL for students and young researchers from the whole Switzerland will take place on November 17-18, 2022.
1. Collaborative EU Projects
Project Acronym (website) |
N° EU Cordis Link |
Techno Area |
AD-gut | Prof. Radenovic | 686271 | Bio |
A-LEAF | Prof. Lingenfelder | 732840 | Solar |
AMPERE | Prof. Ballif | 745601 | PV |
Apolo | Prof. Nazeeruddin | 763989 | PV |
Be-Smart | Prof. Ballif | 818009 | PV |
CHEOPS | Prof. Ballif | 653296 | PV |
DiaChemo | Prof. Stellacci | 633635 | Bio |
DISC | Prof. Ballif | 727529 | PV |
ENLIGHT | Prof. Moser | 964497 | Bio |
Espresso | Prof. Graetzel | 764047 | PV |
EXTREME-IR | Prof. Kis | 964735 | Nano |
FEMTOCHIP | Prof. Kippenberg | 965124 | Nano |
FRESCO | Prof. Kippenberg | 101035029 | Nano |
GOPV | Prof. Ballif | 792059 | PV |
GOTSolar | Prof. Graetzel | 687008 | PV |
GrapheneCore1 | Prof. Kis | 696656 | Nano |
GrapheneCore2 | Prof. Kis | 785219 | Nano |
GrapheneCore3 | Prof. Kis | 696656 | Nano |
Highlite | Prof. Ballif | 857793 | PV |
HOT | Prof. Kippenberg | 732894 | Nano |
LASERLAB-EUROPE | Prof. Chergui | 871124 | Laser |
LIGHT-CAP | Prof. Stellacci | 101017821 | Solar |
LLR | Prof. Rachidi-Haeri | 737033 | Laser |
METHASOL | Prof. Graetzel | 101022649 | Solar |
Morphic | Prof. Quack | 780283 | MOEMS |
NextBase | Prof. Ballif | 727523 | PV |
OPTIMISM | Prof. Kippenberg | 801352 | Nano |
PERTPV | Prof. Nazeeruddin | 763977 | PV |
PHOENICS | Prof. Kippenberg | 101017237 | Nano |
PhotonHub Europe | Prof. Bellouard | 101016665 | ALL |
RAIS | Prof. Altug | 644956 | Bio |
RE-COGNITION | Prof. Ballif | 815301 | PV |
SOLEDLIGHT | Prof. Nazeeruddin | 643791 | OLEDs |
SPOTLIGHT | Prof. Haussener | 101015960 | Solar |
STAND | Prof. Kippenberg | 101035022 | Nano |
SUN2CHEM | Prof. Graetzel | 884444 | Solar |
Sun-To-X | Profs. Sivula/Haussener | 883264 | Solar |
SuperMaMa | Prof. Charbon | 860713 | Bio |
SUPERTWIN | Prof. Grandjean | 686731 | Quant |
TeraSlice | Prof. Kippenberg | 863322 | Nano |
THOR | Profs. Kippenberg/Galland | 829067 | Nano |
ULTRACHIRAL | Prof. Altug | 737071 | Bio |
VIPERLAB | Prof. Ballif | 101006715 | PV |
WASP | Prof. Graetzel | 825213 | PV |
- All these projects include technologies combining photons and electronics (sometimes chemistry) but only about 3/4 of them can be really considered as photonics projects.
- Two projects in this list are not strictly speaking collaborative projects as they only involve (at least at start) EPFL. These are the projects STAND and FRESCO which are FETOPEN Launchpad projects aiming at the commercialisation of a particular technology, usually associated with the creation of a spin-off company.
- PI EPFL highlighted in green indicate projects coordinated by EPFL.
2. ERC and MSCA Projects
To be completed soon
To be completed soon